"Access to screen denied" error

I am seeing “Access to screen denied” in “basic_example” application
DEBUG: Screen access on chrome stable, looking for extension
erizo.js:180 ERROR: Access to screen denied
erizo.js:180 ERROR: Failed to get access to local media. Error code was Access to screen denied.
erizo.js:180 DEBUG: Event: access-denied

I have set the “screen” property to true (And I am also using ssl/https. Have also installed chrome screen sharing plugin)
var screen = true;

var config = {audio: true,
video: true,
data: true,
screen: screen,
videoSize: [640, 480, 640, 480],
videoFrameRate: [10, 20]};
// If we want screen sharing we have to put our Chrome extension id.
// The default one only works in our Lynckia test servers.
// If we are not using chrome, the creation of the stream will fail regardless.
if (screen){
config.extensionId = ‘okeephmleflklcdebijnponpabbmmgeo’;
console.log(‘screen sharing is set to true. chrome extension id:’, config.extensionId);

I also looked at demo source code, which doesn’t do anything differently than basic_example, except it executes the screen sharing code upon hitting “share” button, but that shouldn’t matter.

Any ideas, how to resolve this ?

Turned out to be an issue with chrome extension.Had to modify “externally_connectable” key of “manifest.json” file in “erizo_controller/erizoClient/extras/chrome-extension/” folder
Alternatively, you can modify the host file for the development purposes.

Hi i am getting same error can you please tell me that did you built the extension for chrome after doing this? if so how? if not then what have you done?

Hi, i have the same when i tried to use “basic_example” with option screen= true.

INFO: Requested access to local media
erizo.js:100 DEBUG: Screen access requested
erizo.js:100 DEBUG: Screen sharing in Chrome
erizo.js:100 DEBUG: Screen access on chrome stable, looking for extension
erizo.js:100 ERROR: Access to screen denied
erizo.js:100 ERROR: Failed to get access to local media. Error code was Access to screen denied.
erizo.js:100 DEBUG: Event: access-denied

I´m runing aplication on virtual box with ubuntu 14.04 and using Chrome(Google Chrome 56.0.2924.87). I have installed chrome screen sharing plugin and using ssl (http://lynckia.com/licode/nginx-dep.html).

var config = {screen: true, data: true};
if (screen){
config.extensionId = ‘okeephmleflklcdebijnponpabbmmgeo’;

I also changed “erizo_controller/erizoClient/extras/chrome-extension/manifest.json” but error persist.

“externally_connectable”: {
“matches”: [ “://”]

I dont know whats wrong i hope you can help me find a fast solution.

As you can see in the code, the Screen Sharing Extension we provide in Google Store is implemented to work in our demo server. You have to configure your own extension for making it work in your server.

For those who faced with the issue, please take a look at “externally_connectable” param and its valid values: https://developer.chrome.com/apps/manifest/externally_connectable