erizoController crashing in basic example


I followed the installation guide and tried typing the following till step

  • ./licode/scripts/
  • ./licode/scripts/

And I saw the following error in the terminal that ran

Steves-MacBook-Pro:Desktop steve$ sudo ./licode/scripts/

connect.multipart() will be removed in connect 3.0

visit for

connect.limit() will be removed in connect 3.0

Conected to rabbitMQ server

Exchange rpcExchange is open

Queue nuveQueue is open

ClientQueue amq.gen-rQBHtMBTYJJTgSF7QHmfoA is open


[licode] Done, run basic_example/basicServer.js

Steves-MacBook-Pro:Desktop steve$ 2013-12-12T03:51:35.237Z - info:
Initialized logger

2013-12-12T03:51:35.320Z - info: Exchange rpcExchange is open

2013-12-12T03:51:35.322Z - info: ClientQueue amq.gen-_vdhiyi0cxCJjwCRtH2g_w
is open

New erizocontroller ( 1 ) in:

2013-12-12T03:51:35.331Z - info: Queue erizoController_1 is open

Representing rooms for service 52a92edea8d921a62c2ca37f

Created token for room 52a93026c6ecb6896d000001 and service

2013-12-12T03:52:11.506Z - info: Socket connect Gadbol02pelYArVp7lqM

Consumed token 52a932e10e503ac971000001 from room
52a93026c6ecb6896d000001 of service 52a92edea8d921a62c2ca37f

2013-12-12T03:52:11.527Z - info: OK, Valid token

2013-12-12T03:52:11.749Z - info: Adding publisher peer_id 26611236622557044

dyld: lazy symbol binding failed: Symbol not found:

  • Referenced from:

  • Expected in: dynamic lookup*

dyld: Symbol not found: __ZN5erizo16WebRtcConnectionC1EbbRKSsiii

  • Referenced from:

  • Expected in: dynamic lookup*

ErizoController 1 in does not respond. Deleting it.

[CLOUD HANDLER]: Warning! No erizoController is available.

Any idea why?

It looks like erizoAPI is not finding liberizo (the dynamic library
containing erizo).

Try running initLicode without sudo to avoid problems with environment

CheersEl jueves, 12 de diciembre de 2013 04:59:44 UTC+1, Steve Ng escribió:


I followed the installation guide and tried typing the following till step

  • ./licode/scripts/
  • ./licode/scripts/

And I saw the following error in the terminal that ran

Steves-MacBook-Pro:Desktop steve$ sudo ./licode/scripts/

connect.multipart() will be removed in connect 3.0

visit Connect 3.0 · senchalabs/connect Wiki · GitHub for

connect.limit() will be removed in connect 3.0

Conected to rabbitMQ server

Exchange rpcExchange is open

Queue nuveQueue is open

ClientQueue amq.gen-rQBHtMBTYJJTgSF7QHmfoA is open


[licode] Done, run basic_example/basicServer.js

Steves-MacBook-Pro:Desktop steve$ 2013-12-12T03:51:35.237Z - info:
Initialized logger

2013-12-12T03:51:35.320Z - info: Exchange rpcExchange is open

2013-12-12T03:51:35.322Z - info: ClientQueue
amq.gen-_vdhiyi0cxCJjwCRtH2g_w is open

New erizocontroller ( 1 ) in:

2013-12-12T03:51:35.331Z - info: Queue erizoController_1 is open

Representing rooms for service 52a92edea8d921a62c2ca37f

Created token for room 52a93026c6ecb6896d000001 and service

2013-12-12T03:52:11.506Z - info: Socket connect Gadbol02pelYArVp7lqM

Consumed token 52a932e10e503ac971000001 from room
52a93026c6ecb6896d000001 of service 52a92edea8d921a62c2ca37f

2013-12-12T03:52:11.527Z - info: OK, Valid token

2013-12-12T03:52:11.749Z - info: Adding publisher peer_id

dyld: lazy symbol binding failed: Symbol not found:

  • Referenced from:

  • Expected in: dynamic lookup*

dyld: Symbol not found: __ZN5erizo16WebRtcConnectionC1EbbRKSsiii

  • Referenced from:

  • Expected in: dynamic lookup*

ErizoController 1 in does not respond. Deleting it.

[CLOUD HANDLER]: Warning! No erizoController is available.

Any idea why?