I followed the installation guide and tried typing the following till step
- ./licode/scripts/initLicode.sh
- ./licode/scripts/initBasicExample.sh
And I saw the following error in the terminal that ran initLicode.sh
Steves-MacBook-Pro:Desktop steve$ sudo ./licode/scripts/initLicode.sh
connect.multipart() will be removed in connect 3.0
visit https://github.com/senchalabs/connect/wiki/Connect-3.0 for
connect.limit() will be removed in connect 3.0
Conected to rabbitMQ server
Exchange rpcExchange is open
Queue nuveQueue is open
ClientQueue amq.gen-rQBHtMBTYJJTgSF7QHmfoA is open
[licode] Done, run basic_example/basicServer.js
Steves-MacBook-Pro:Desktop steve$ 2013-12-12T03:51:35.237Z - info:
Initialized logger
2013-12-12T03:51:35.320Z - info: Exchange rpcExchange is open
2013-12-12T03:51:35.322Z - info: ClientQueue amq.gen-_vdhiyi0cxCJjwCRtH2g_w
is open
New erizocontroller ( 1 ) in:
2013-12-12T03:51:35.331Z - info: Queue erizoController_1 is open
Representing rooms for service 52a92edea8d921a62c2ca37f
Created token for room 52a93026c6ecb6896d000001 and service
2013-12-12T03:52:11.506Z - info: Socket connect Gadbol02pelYArVp7lqM
Consumed token 52a932e10e503ac971000001 from room
52a93026c6ecb6896d000001 of service 52a92edea8d921a62c2ca37f
2013-12-12T03:52:11.527Z - info: OK, Valid token
2013-12-12T03:52:11.749Z - info: Adding publisher peer_id 26611236622557044
dyld: lazy symbol binding failed: Symbol not found:
Referenced from:
/Users/steve/Desktop/licode/erizoAPI/build/Release/addon.node* -
Expected in: dynamic lookup*
dyld: Symbol not found: __ZN5erizo16WebRtcConnectionC1EbbRKSsiii
Referenced from:
/Users/steve/Desktop/licode/erizoAPI/build/Release/addon.node* -
Expected in: dynamic lookup*
ErizoController 1 in does not respond. Deleting it.
[CLOUD HANDLER]: Warning! No erizoController is available.
Any idea why?