Once we have published the local stream over the room, is there any way to
stop (and start later) publishing only video or audio while still keep the
local stream connected?
Once we have published the local stream over the room, is there any way to
stop (and start later) publishing only video or audio while still keep the
local stream connected?
I’ve found a way to do that after spending some time on the eziroClient
source code.
To stop publishing audio:
localStream.stream.getAudioTracks()[0].enabled = fasle;
And stop publishing video:
localStream.stream.getVideoTracks()[0].enabled = false;
Vào 15:13:40 UTC+7 Thứ tư, ngày 18 tháng mười hai năm 2013, Son Nguyen đã
Once we have published the local stream over the room, is there any way to
stop (and start later) publishing only video or audio while still keep the
local stream connected?Thanks,
but if you create two streams, then the user would be asked twice, first to
share his microfone, and later to share his video, right ? is there any way
to use two streams but ask the user only one question about sharing his
audio AND his video ?On Tuesday, January 28, 2014 10:00:18 PM UTC+1, Álvaro Alonso wrote:
Using the erizoClient API the way to do that is creating two streams, one
for the video and other for the audio. Thus you can stop/start them
whenever you wantBR
Álvaro2013-12-24 Son Nguyen <sonn...@gmail.com <javascript:>>
I’ve found a way to do that after spending some time on the eziroClient
source code.
To stop publishing audio:
localStream.stream.getAudioTracks()[0].enabled = fasle;
And stop publishing video:
localStream.stream.getVideoTracks()[0].enabled = false;Son
Vào 15:13:40 UTC+7 Thứ tư, ngày 18 tháng mười hai năm 2013, Son Nguyen đã
Once we have published the local stream over the room, is there any way
to stop (and start later) publishing only video or audio while still keep
the local stream connected?Thanks,
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Using the erizoClient API the way to do that is creating two streams, one
for the video and other for the audio. Thus you can stop/start them
whenever you want
Álvaro2013-12-24 Son Nguyen sonnh273@gmail.com
I’ve found a way to do that after spending some time on the eziroClient
source code.
To stop publishing audio:
localStream.stream.getAudioTracks()[0].enabled = fasle;
And stop publishing video:
localStream.stream.getVideoTracks()[0].enabled = false;Son
Vào 15:13:40 UTC+7 Thứ tư, ngày 18 tháng mười hai năm 2013, Son Nguyen đã
Once we have published the local stream over the room, is there any way
to stop (and start later) publishing only video or audio while still keep
the local stream connected?Thanks,
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