Installing from scripts on Ubuntu 16.04 - Can't get it to run

I am working to verify that Chrome 74 is working ok with latest licode.

I need to move to 16.04, which I am slowly doing moving scripts and other features over to 16.04 too.

I have done my install

Learned about systemctl (new default on 16.04 for service control)

This is what I get now when I try to run my system. Journalctl output:

– Logs begin at Wed 2019-04-03 14:42:08 EDT. –
Apr 03 14:42:15 systemd[1]: Started SystemD file to start erizoAgent piece of Licode.
Apr 03 14:42:15 node[1880]: 2019-04-03 14:42:15.944 - INFO: ErizoAgent - message: launched new ErizoJS, erizoId: b1a32cfb-27b9-88ae-82b1-cac653c65144
Apr 03 14:42:16 systemd[1]: tradechat.nuve.service: Service hold-off time over, scheduling restart.
Apr 03 14:42:16 systemd[1]: Stopped SystemD file to start nuve piece of Licode.
Apr 03 14:42:16 systemd[1]: Started SystemD file to start nuve piece of Licode.
Apr 03 14:42:16 node[1880]: [erizo-b1a32cfb-27b9-88ae-82b1-cac653c65144] 2019-04-03 14:42:16.271 - INFO: ErizoJS - message: Started, erizoId: b1a32cfb-27b9-88ae-82b1-cac653c65144, isDebugMode: false
Apr 03 14:42:21 node[1879]: 2019-04-03 14:42:21.003 - WARN: ErizoController - message: addECToCloudHandler cloudHandler does not respond, attemptsLeft: 5
Apr 03 14:42:24 node[1907]: 2019-04-03 14:42:24.021 - INFO: CloudHandler - New erizocontroller ( 5ca4fe9047158b0773f261be ) in:
Apr 03 14:42:24 node[1879]: 2019-04-03 14:42:24.026 - INFO: ErizoController - message: succesfully added to cloudHandler
Apr 03 14:42:27 node[1907]: 2019-04-03 14:42:27.472 - WARN: CloudHandler - ErizoController 5ca4fddba0654e07708713ae in does not respond. Deleting it.
Apr 03 14:44:13 node[1373]: info: 2019-04-03 14:44:13.467 - fmeServer : createToken: /createToken/
Apr 03 14:44:13 node[1373]: info: 2019-04-03 14:44:13.473 - fmeServer : createToken: /createToken/
Apr 03 14:44:13 node[1373]: error: 2019-04-03 14:44:13.497 - fmeServer : crateToken:getRooms 401 Error{“WWW-Authenticate”:“MAuth realm=“””}
Apr 03 14:44:13 node[1373]: error: 2019-04-03 14:44:13.499 - fmeServer : crateToken:getRooms 401 Error{“WWW-Authenticate”:“MAuth realm=“””}

I can’t seem to get the nuve client api to work, i keep getting authenicate 401 errors.

Any suggestions would be helpful.


I’m sorry there’s no official support for Ubuntu 16.04. An alternative would be to use a Licode docker image instead.

I don’t understand, 14.04 has install issues, it was suggested that I use 16.04 and that was going to be the “official” ubuntu version now. If 14.04 is the target than can someone help me with the boost install issues?

I had copied the old serviceID and key from a previous install into the licode_config.js file. This does not work. Hence the authenticate error.

You can retrieve the correct key and id byusing the mongo shell.

Those are the keys needed for serviceID and supervisor key in licode_config.js

In case someone repeats my error.