Licode can not run firefox

Hello team!.
i’m new member. Nice to meet you.

I have a issue with firefox. After i setup completed licode. It worked in chrome and coccoc browser. But FireFox is not run.
this is firefox error:
WebRTC interfaces with the “moz” prefix (mozRTCPeerConnection, mozRTCSessionDescription, mozRTCIceCandidate) have been deprecated. main-20170331112151.js:8:30120
RTCIceServer.url is deprecated! Use urls instead. main-20170331112151.js:8
onaddstream is deprecated! Use peerConnection.ontrack instead.

Anyone can give me a answer. My english is not good. Thank team so much

please! anyone help me?

Anyone can Help me???


Those messages are warnings and do not prevent WebRTC from working. Maybe this is your problem:

Although you should still be able to publish via Chrome and subscribe by FF.

so sad. i do not have any idea for this issue. anyone help me

Please. team developer Licode can help me?

I’m not able to reproduce it with the latest release in my local environment and with the default config file.