We are developing a webrtc application with Licode, we have a first version
and we have some problems.
First we detected that in some networks, clients can’t publish its stream,
but we solved that in Chrome setting our STUN/TURN server in Licode’s
config. But this issue continues in Firefox and persists in Chrome with
some 3G network (Vodafone doesn’t work but others like Movistar works).
My question is if anyone has the same behaviour or if it’s possible to
solve it (Licode’s example works in Firefox…). Can be a problem Licode’s
Hope you can help me.
Thank you.
Firefox doesnt yet support TURN servers, so yes in some cases firefox will
not connect
SiddharthOn Monday, 30 June 2014 15:18:34 UTC+5:30, Sergio Gómez wrote:
We are developing a webrtc application with Licode, we have a first
version and we have some problems.
First we detected that in some networks, clients can’t publish its stream,
but we solved that in Chrome setting our STUN/TURN server in Licode’s
config. But this issue continues in Firefox and persists in Chrome with
some 3G network (Vodafone doesn’t work but others like Movistar works).
My question is if anyone has the same behaviour or if it’s possible to
solve it (Licode’s example works in Firefox…). Can be a problem Licode’s
Hope you can help me.
Thank you.