Only recording feature needed


I am building an application that would capture the video/audio from
browser, stream it to the server (as peer) where it gets recorded as a
video and stored in the db. This is all I require. Scalability is very
important for me. The fact that Licode supports many other things, makes it
a very heavy install for me. Please let me know what part of licode I need
for my usecase and how to strip off unnecessary stuff so that I could build
a light weight recording server.


Hi Prabu,

I’m afraid the heaviest dependencies of Licode are related to recording (libav). You could try to separate erizo from Nuve and erizoController but you would have to implement a new client side and signalling process. Actually, what you want to do is quite within the scope of Licode, you can use the conference rooms to publish the streams to be recorded. And using Nuve you have the auth process solved.

Pedro Rodriguez

On 19 Mar 2014 at 12:16:55, Prabu Rajan ( wrote:


I am building an application that would capture the video/audio from browser, stream it to the server (as peer) where it gets recorded as a video and stored in the db. This is all I require. Scalability is very important for me. The fact that Licode supports many other things, makes it a very heavy install for me. Please let me know what part of licode I need for my usecase and how to strip off unnecessary stuff so that I could build a light weight recording server.


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