Provide log erizo_controller in working scenario


Can any of you provide the log from the erizo controller (and maybe also
Nuve and the webserver) from a working session?
Something like:

$node erizoController.js

2014-06-02T08:47:02.404Z - info: Initialized logger

2014-06-02T08:47:02.592Z - info: Exchange rpcExchange is open
2014-06-02T08:47:02.596Z - info: ClientQueue amq.gen-TC7nwLkrG5Wa-oEmyc4rig
is open

2014-06-02T08:47:03.087Z - info: Queue erizoController_3 is open

For now my clients connect to the room, are informed of the other
publishers arrival, create stable webrtc connection with the
erizo_controller but none of them send any data/no video appear.
