Question about initLicode > ErizoController IP and question about stream subscribers

Hello every body,

I have started working with Licode for 2 weeks now and i’m very happy with
Thanks to your previous help I could start very well.

Now I have 2 questions.

The most important question :

If 10 users are in a room, and only 3 are viewed by other users, do the 10
users send their stream to the server or only the 3 who have at least 1
subscriber ? Do I have to stop/restart publishing by myself depending to
the subsribers count for each stream, or is it handle natively by the
server to save the bandwidth usage ?

And second question :

When I start licode with initLicode, I get this line in the log :
New erizocontroller (1 ) in : is the local address of the server, but how can I do to make
it use the public address IP (viewed by Internet) to allow users from
internet to connect, and not only users from the local network ?

Thank you very much for your help :slight_smile:

With these information, I think I can have something ready in 1 or 2 weeks,
if some of you are interested, I will show you.



In the licode/scripts directory there is the listed, which
is shown below. The way I see is working is it copies the licode_default.js
script, which is located in licode/scripts, to licode_i.js then uses
licode_1.js to replace licode_config.js. Before I came across this I would
set licode_cofig.js to configure the stun ip and port variables before
starting the server and then noticed that after nuve was started the
licode_config.js stun variables I set earlier where blank. So I set the
stun variables in licode_default.js instead of licode_config.js. In our
system the stun server still does not work for remote client access as the
stun server never gets called. Instead clients outside our of local network
are doing http get to access the server using the server’s local ip address
and port and thus fail to connect because the server disconnects socket
initially established when the client room access was granted. Bottom line:

  1. From the server I see a remote client connect

  2. From the see the device info.

  3. From the server see the room access info

  4. Then from the server do not see any stun info and the server disconnects
    the client connection

  5. From the client see that it was trying to access the servers local ip
    address and port and fails, and stun server was never involved.

  6. Check licode_config.js and I confirm the server ip and port are set.

I could be doing something wrong but have no idea what.




cd $ROOT/nuve


echo [licode] Starting mongodb
if [ ! -d “$DB_DIR” ]; then
mkdir -p “$DB_DIR”/db
mongod --repair --dbpath $DB_DIR
mongod --dbpath $DB_DIR --logpath $BUILD_DIR/mongo.log --fork
sleep 5

dbURL=grep "config.nuve.dataBaseURL" $PATHNAME/licode_default.js

dbURL=echo $dbURL| cut -d'"' -f 2
dbURL=echo $dbURL| cut -d'"' -f 1

echo [licode] Creating superservice in $dbURL
mongo $dbURL --eval “{name: ‘superService’, key:
‘$RANDOM’, rooms: })”
SERVID=mongo $dbURL --quiet --eval ""
SERVKEY=mongo $dbURL --quiet --eval ""

SERVID=echo $SERVID| cut -d'"' -f 2
SERVID=echo $SERVID| cut -d'"' -f 1

echo "Mongo Logs: "
cat $BUILD_DIR/mongo.log

echo [licode] SuperService ID $SERVID
echo [licode] SuperService KEY $SERVKEY
sed $replacement $PATHNAME/licode_default.js > $BUILD_DIR/licode_1.js
sed $replacement $BUILD_DIR/licode_1.js > $ROOT/licode_config.js
rm $BUILD_DIR/licode_1.js

populate_mongoOn Sat, Nov 23, 2013 at 10:31 AM, Guillaume Lepinay guyost@gmail.comwrote:

Hello again, sorry sorry, I just notice that the licode_default.js is in
the scripts directory (sorry again).
So I added the IP and port of the stun server inside this file, but it’s
still not working.

I joined my ./licode_config.js and ./scripts/licode_default.js

Thank you.

Le samedi 23 novembre 2013 16:01:07 UTC+1, Guillaume Lepinay a écrit :


Thank you for helping me, but i’m not sure I understand everything,
because i’m not very good in english and about the configuration maybe…
I tried to do this :

  1. I had no file called licode_default.js, so I copied licode_config.js
    to licode_default.js (so now I have the 2 files at the same level).
  2. The 2 files are the same, and I joined them in my message, I hope you
    can take 1 minute to have a look.
  3. I set the IP and port of the stun server in both file.

When I start the server (./script/initLicode) I can see in the log Erizo
is using the local address.
I’m sorry if I didn’t do it correctly… please can you help me little
bit more ?

Thank you.

Le samedi 23 novembre 2013 14:48:27 UTC+1, Wilbert Jackson a écrit :

We have only been able to set the licode_config.js stun server ip and
port info by setting it in the the licode_default.js when newly starting
the server. the nuve script takes the licode_default settings and uses them
to replace the licode_config.js settings. Are you sure
your licode_config.js file has the server and ip info set? Even when we
set the licode_config.js per Javier’s instructions the stun server is
not working for access outside of our local lan. Tried this many, many,
many times!

On Sat, Nov 23, 2013 at 8:34 AM, Guillaume Lepinay guy...@gmail.comwrote:

Hello, I tried this settings, with the IP address :

//STUN server IP address and port to be used by the server.
//if ‘’ is used, the address is discovered locally
config.erizo.stunserver = ‘’;
config.erizo.stunport = 19302;

But still the same… Erizo controller starts using the local IP
address, as I can see when I run ./script/ :
New erizocontroller ( 1 ) in:
2013-11-23T13:27:25.214Z - info: Queue erizoController_1 is open

Is there really now way to use it behind a nat… ?
I’m starting the project, I can’t afford a server just for testing…
and my current has 200Mbps bandwith… that’s why I would like to use it…
I don’t know exactly how is the IP used after Erizo is started, because
i’m not good enough for the network part… but is it possible just to
specify the IP address we want in the config file ? or use another service
like a simple webpage that returns the IP address of the host (we could
specify this url in the licode_config.js file ?

Thank you for your help… for now that’s the most blocking point for
my project :slight_smile:


Le vendredi 22 novembre 2013 21:03:41 UTC+1, Javier Cerviño a écrit :

Hi Guillaume,

Currently Erizo only supports setting the IP address (no DNS) in the config.erizo.stunserver
variable. Please, try with .


On 22 November 2013 16:08, Guillaume Lepinay wrote:


I just tried the STUN server configuration for Erizo.
I’m using a virtual machine (VirtualBox). The host is Windows Server,
directly connected to the internet (No NAT), and the guest is the Ubuntu
that host the Licode server.

The virtual network for the guest is under a NAT (the virtualbox
nat), because nothing else was working to connect the guest to the internet
and use the host IP.

So I configured the settings like this in licode_config.js :

//STUN server IP address and port to be used by the server.
//if ‘’ is used, the address is discovered locally
config.erizo.stunserver = ‘’;
config.erizo.stunport = 19302;

But Erizo is still using the local address behind the nat, instead of
the external address.
Is there something else I should do ?

Thank you for your help.

Le lundi 4 novembre 2013 16:51:00 UTC+1, Javier Cerviño a écrit :


For the first question, Licode solves it for you. You only have to
send every stream once to Licode and Licode will forward it to several
users. So the answer is that it is handle natively by the server.

For the second question, the best solution would be not to use a NAT
device between ErizoController and the Internet, which I guess is your
scenario. But you can also configure Erizo Controller to use a STUN server.
You can check the licode_config.js and put a configuration like this in the
corresponding lines:

config.erizo.stunserver = ‘stun_server_IP’;
config.erizo.stunport = stun_server_port;

With your preferred stun server address and ports.


On 30 October 2013 20:10, Guillaume Lepinay guy...@gmail.comwrote:

Hello every body,

I have started working with Licode for 2 weeks now and i’m very
happy with it.
Thanks to your previous help I could start very well.

Now I have 2 questions.

The most important question :

If 10 users are in a room, and only 3 are viewed by other users, do
the 10 users send their stream to the server or only the 3 who have at
least 1 subscriber ? Do I have to stop/restart publishing by myself
depending to the subsribers count for each stream, or is it handle natively
by the server to save the bandwidth usage ?

And second question :

When I start licode with initLicode, I get this line in the log :
New erizocontroller (1 ) in : is the local address of the server, but how can I do
to make it use the public address IP (viewed by Internet) to allow users
from internet to connect, and not only users from the local network ?

Thank you very much for your help :slight_smile:

With these information, I think I can have something ready in 1 or
2 weeks, if some of you are interested, I will show you.


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I also have this problem, so hope there are methods to set this.

Guillaume Lepinay於 2013年10月31日星期四UTC+8上午3時10分53秒寫道:>

Hello every body,

I have started working with Licode for 2 weeks now and i’m very happy with
Thanks to your previous help I could start very well.

Now I have 2 questions.

The most important question :

If 10 users are in a room, and only 3 are viewed by other users, do the 10
users send their stream to the server or only the 3 who have at least 1
subscriber ? Do I have to stop/restart publishing by myself depending to
the subsribers count for each stream, or is it handle natively by the
server to save the bandwidth usage ?

And second question :

When I start licode with initLicode, I get this line in the log :
New erizocontroller (1 ) in : is the local address of the server, but how can I do to make
it use the public address IP (viewed by Internet) to allow users from
internet to connect, and not only users from the local network ?

Thank you very much for your help :slight_smile:

With these information, I think I can have something ready in 1 or 2
weeks, if some of you are interested, I will show you.


Thank you very much for your help.
Everything is ok about it now.

I will check how to configure the STUN server to use the external IP when
the server is behind a NAT :slight_smile:

Thank you :).2013/11/5 Javier Cerviño

It depends on what you want to offer on your applications. A user can
publish the video and other users can subscribe to it. Or a user can be
connected to the room and he don’t have to publish or subscribe anything.
Or another user can start publish the video in the middle of the conference
and stop publishing it after a while. You can take a look at the docs in


On 4 November 2013 22:48, Guillaume Lepinay wrote:

Thank you for the reply.

I understood for the 2nd question.
For the first question, I would like just a little bit more information.
If I understood well, every time a client enter the room, he is uploading
his stream to the server, and the server will send his viewer. But if there
is no viewer for a client, does it send his stream to the server anyway, or
is there a native system that can say to the “unview” client : “Don’t
publish for the moment, no one subscribe to your stream” and when there is
a viewer, it can publish again. (to save the download bandwith of the
server if there are many people in a room, but only few of them are viewed).

I hope you could understand me correctly…

Thank you very much.

Le lundi 4 novembre 2013 16:51:00 UTC+1, Javier Cerviño a écrit :


For the first question, Licode solves it for you. You only have to send
every stream once to Licode and Licode will forward it to several users. So
the answer is that it is handle natively by the server.

For the second question, the best solution would be not to use a NAT
device between ErizoController and the Internet, which I guess is your
scenario. But you can also configure Erizo Controller to use a STUN server.
You can check the licode_config.js and put a configuration like this in the
corresponding lines:

config.erizo.stunserver = ‘stun_server_IP’;
config.erizo.stunport = stun_server_port;

With your preferred stun server address and ports.


On 30 October 2013 20:10, Guillaume Lepinay wrote:

Hello every body,

I have started working with Licode for 2 weeks now and i’m very happy
with it.
Thanks to your previous help I could start very well.

Now I have 2 questions.

The most important question :

If 10 users are in a room, and only 3 are viewed by other users, do the
10 users send their stream to the server or only the 3 who have at least 1
subscriber ? Do I have to stop/restart publishing by myself depending to
the subsribers count for each stream, or is it handle natively by the
server to save the bandwidth usage ?

And second question :

When I start licode with initLicode, I get this line in the log :
New erizocontroller (1 ) in : is the local address of the server, but how can I do to
make it use the public address IP (viewed by Internet) to allow users from
internet to connect, and not only users from the local network ?

Thank you very much for your help :slight_smile:

With these information, I think I can have something ready in 1 or 2
weeks, if some of you are interested, I will show you.


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I just tried the STUN server configuration for Erizo.
I’m using a virtual machine (VirtualBox). The host is Windows Server,
directly connected to the internet (No NAT), and the guest is the Ubuntu
that host the Licode server.

The virtual network for the guest is under a NAT (the virtualbox nat),
because nothing else was working to connect the guest to the internet and
use the host IP.

So I configured the settings like this in licode_config.js :

//STUN server IP address and port to be used by the server.
//if ‘’ is used, the address is discovered locally
config.erizo.stunserver = ‘’;
config.erizo.stunport = 19302;

But Erizo is still using the local address behind the nat, instead of the
external address.
Is there something else I should do ?

Thank you for your help.
GuillaumeLe lundi 4 novembre 2013 16:51:00 UTC+1, Javier Cerviño a écrit :


For the first question, Licode solves it for you. You only have to send
every stream once to Licode and Licode will forward it to several users. So
the answer is that it is handle natively by the server.

For the second question, the best solution would be not to use a NAT
device between ErizoController and the Internet, which I guess is your
scenario. But you can also configure Erizo Controller to use a STUN server.
You can check the licode_config.js and put a configuration like this in the
corresponding lines:

config.erizo.stunserver = ‘stun_server_IP’;
config.erizo.stunport = stun_server_port;

With your preferred stun server address and ports.


On 30 October 2013 20:10, Guillaume Lepinay <<javascript:> wrote:

Hello every body,

I have started working with Licode for 2 weeks now and i’m very happy
with it.
Thanks to your previous help I could start very well.

Now I have 2 questions.

The most important question :

If 10 users are in a room, and only 3 are viewed by other users, do the
10 users send their stream to the server or only the 3 who have at least 1
subscriber ? Do I have to stop/restart publishing by myself depending to
the subsribers count for each stream, or is it handle natively by the
server to save the bandwidth usage ?

And second question :

When I start licode with initLicode, I get this line in the log :
New erizocontroller (1 ) in : is the local address of the server, but how can I do to make
it use the public address IP (viewed by Internet) to allow users from
internet to connect, and not only users from the local network ?

Thank you very much for your help :slight_smile:

With these information, I think I can have something ready in 1 or 2
weeks, if some of you are interested, I will show you.


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I managed to get it running behind NAT but it works only on Chrome. Firefox
gets the WebSocket connection and is able to exchange the SDPs with Erizo
but the stream from Firefox client never reaches Erizo. However, with
Chrome the stream is published succesfully. I haven’t figured out yet what
is wrong with Firefox. I have all the necessary ports forwarded properly. I
think it has something to do with the SDP Firefox creates.

To get it working I set the public IP manually and remembered to set user
role to “presenter” (without that user does not have permission to publish

  • Jukka

lauantai, 23. marraskuuta 2013 18.53.15 UTC+2 Guillaume Lepinay kirjoitti:>

Hello Wilbert,

So finally even with all you said, it’s finally not working behind a NAT ?
I’d like my project to be online at the beginning of december for a test
version, so I think the best is I use a server directly connected, with no
NAT for now ?

I will check if I can get one quickly to reinstall everything on it.
Thank you very much for you help.

Le samedi 23 novembre 2013 17:01:40 UTC+1, Wilbert Jackson a écrit :


In the licode/scripts directory there is the listed, which
is shown below. The way I see is working is it copies the licode_default.js
script, which is located in licode/scripts, to licode_i.js then uses
licode_1.js to replace licode_config.js. Before I came across this I would
set licode_cofig.js to configure the stun ip and port variables before
starting the server and then noticed that after nuve was started the
licode_config.js stun variables I set earlier where blank. So I set the
stun variables in licode_default.js instead of licode_config.js. In our
system the stun server still does not work for remote client access as the
stun server never gets called. Instead clients outside our of local network
are doing http get to access the server using the server’s local ip address
and port and thus fail to connect because the server disconnects socket
initially established when the client room access was granted. Bottom line:

  1. From the server I see a remote client connect

  2. From the see the device info.

  3. From the server see the room access info

  4. Then from the server do not see any stun info and the server
    disconnects the client connection

  5. From the client see that it was trying to access the servers local ip
    address and port and fails, and stun server was never involved.

  6. Check licode_config.js and I confirm the server ip and port are set.

I could be doing something wrong but have no idea what.




cd $ROOT/nuve


echo [licode] Starting mongodb
if [ ! -d “$DB_DIR” ]; then
mkdir -p “$DB_DIR”/db
mongod --repair --dbpath $DB_DIR
mongod --dbpath $DB_DIR --logpath $BUILD_DIR/mongo.log --fork
sleep 5

dbURL=grep "config.nuve.dataBaseURL" $PATHNAME/licode_default.js

dbURL=echo $dbURL| cut -d'"' -f 2
dbURL=echo $dbURL| cut -d'"' -f 1

echo [licode] Creating superservice in $dbURL
mongo $dbURL --eval “{name: ‘superService’, key:
‘$RANDOM’, rooms: })”
SERVID=mongo $dbURL --quiet --eval ""
SERVKEY=mongo $dbURL --quiet --eval ""

SERVID=echo $SERVID| cut -d'"' -f 2
SERVID=echo $SERVID| cut -d'"' -f 1

echo "Mongo Logs: "
cat $BUILD_DIR/mongo.log

echo [licode] SuperService ID $SERVID
echo [licode] SuperService KEY $SERVKEY
sed $replacement $PATHNAME/licode_default.js > $BUILD_DIR/licode_1.js
sed $replacement $BUILD_DIR/licode_1.js > $ROOT/licode_config.js
rm $BUILD_DIR/licode_1.js


On Sat, Nov 23, 2013 at 10:31 AM, Guillaume Lepinay guy...@gmail.comwrote:

Hello again, sorry sorry, I just notice that the licode_default.js is in
the scripts directory (sorry again).
So I added the IP and port of the stun server inside this file, but it’s
still not working.

I joined my ./licode_config.js and ./scripts/licode_default.js

Thank you.

Le samedi 23 novembre 2013 16:01:07 UTC+1, Guillaume Lepinay a écrit :


Thank you for helping me, but i’m not sure I understand everything,
because i’m not very good in english and about the configuration maybe…
I tried to do this :

  1. I had no file called licode_default.js, so I copied licode_config.js
    to licode_default.js (so now I have the 2 files at the same level).
  2. The 2 files are the same, and I joined them in my message, I hope
    you can take 1 minute to have a look.
  3. I set the IP and port of the stun server in both file.

When I start the server (./script/initLicode) I can see in the log
Erizo is using the local address.
I’m sorry if I didn’t do it correctly… please can you help me little
bit more ?

Thank you.

Le samedi 23 novembre 2013 14:48:27 UTC+1, Wilbert Jackson a écrit :

We have only been able to set the licode_config.js stun server ip and
port info by setting it in the the licode_default.js when newly starting
the server. the nuve script takes the licode_default settings and uses them
to replace the licode_config.js settings. Are you sure
your licode_config.js file has the server and ip info set? Even when we
set the licode_config.js per Javier’s instructions the stun server is
not working for access outside of our local lan. Tried this many, many,
many times!

On Sat, Nov 23, 2013 at 8:34 AM, Guillaume Lepinay guy...@gmail.comwrote:

Hello, I tried this settings, with the IP address :

//STUN server IP address and port to be used by the server.
//if ‘’ is used, the address is discovered locally
config.erizo.stunserver = ‘’;
config.erizo.stunport = 19302;

But still the same… Erizo controller starts using the local IP
address, as I can see when I run ./script/ :
New erizocontroller ( 1 ) in:
2013-11-23T13:27:25.214Z - info: Queue erizoController_1 is open

Is there really now way to use it behind a nat… ?
I’m starting the project, I can’t afford a server just for testing…
and my current has 200Mbps bandwith… that’s why I would like to use it…
I don’t know exactly how is the IP used after Erizo is started,
because i’m not good enough for the network part… but is it possible just
to specify the IP address we want in the config file ? or use another
service like a simple webpage that returns the IP address of the host (we
could specify this url in the licode_config.js file ?

Thank you for your help… for now that’s the most blocking point for
my project :slight_smile:


Le vendredi 22 novembre 2013 21:03:41 UTC+1, Javier Cerviño a écrit :

Hi Guillaume,

Currently Erizo only supports setting the IP address (no DNS) in
the config.erizo.stunserver variable. Please, try with .


On 22 November 2013 16:08, Guillaume Lepinay guy...@gmail.comwrote:


I just tried the STUN server configuration for Erizo.
I’m using a virtual machine (VirtualBox). The host is Windows
Server, directly connected to the internet (No NAT), and the guest is the
Ubuntu that host the Licode server.

The virtual network for the guest is under a NAT (the virtualbox
nat), because nothing else was working to connect the guest to the internet
and use the host IP.

So I configured the settings like this in licode_config.js :

//STUN server IP address and port to be used by the server.
//if ‘’ is used, the address is discovered locally
config.erizo.stunserver = ‘’;
config.erizo.stunport = 19302;

But Erizo is still using the local address behind the nat, instead
of the external address.
Is there something else I should do ?

Thank you for your help.

Le lundi 4 novembre 2013 16:51:00 UTC+1, Javier Cerviño a écrit :


For the first question, Licode solves it for you. You only have to
send every stream once to Licode and Licode will forward it to several
users. So the answer is that it is handle natively by the server.

For the second question, the best solution would be not to use a
NAT device between ErizoController and the Internet, which I guess is your
scenario. But you can also configure Erizo Controller to use a STUN server.
You can check the licode_config.js and put a configuration like this in the
corresponding lines:

config.erizo.stunserver = ‘stun_server_IP’;
config.erizo.stunport = stun_server_port;

With your preferred stun server address and ports.


On 30 October 2013 20:10, Guillaume Lepinay guy...@gmail.comwrote:

Hello every body,

I have started working with Licode for 2 weeks now and i’m very
happy with it.
Thanks to your previous help I could start very well.

Now I have 2 questions.

The most important question :

If 10 users are in a room, and only 3 are viewed by other users,
do the 10 users send their stream to the server or only the 3 who have at
least 1 subscriber ? Do I have to stop/restart publishing by myself
depending to the subsribers count for each stream, or is it handle natively
by the server to save the bandwidth usage ?

And second question :

When I start licode with initLicode, I get this line in the log :
New erizocontroller (1 ) in : is the local address of the server, but how can I do
to make it use the public address IP (viewed by Internet) to allow users
from internet to connect, and not only users from the local network ?

Thank you very much for your help :slight_smile:

With these information, I think I can have something ready in 1
or 2 weeks, if some of you are interested, I will show you.


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Hello, I tried this settings, with the IP address :

//STUN server IP address and port to be used by the server.
//if ‘’ is used, the address is discovered locally
config.erizo.stunserver = ‘’;
config.erizo.stunport = 19302;

But still the same… Erizo controller starts using the local IP address,
as I can see when I run ./script/ :
New erizocontroller ( 1 ) in:
2013-11-23T13:27:25.214Z - info: Queue erizoController_1 is open

Is there really now way to use it behind a nat… ?
I’m starting the project, I can’t afford a server just for testing… and
my current has 200Mbps bandwith… that’s why I would like to use it…
I don’t know exactly how is the IP used after Erizo is started, because i’m
not good enough for the network part… but is it possible just to specify
the IP address we want in the config file ? or use another service like a
simple webpage that returns the IP address of the host (we could specify
this url in the licode_config.js file ?

Thank you for your help… for now that’s the most blocking point for my
project :slight_smile:

GuillaumeLe vendredi 22 novembre 2013 21:03:41 UTC+1, Javier Cerviño a écrit :

Hi Guillaume,

Currently Erizo only supports setting the IP address (no DNS) in the config.erizo.stunserver
variable. Please, try with .


On 22 November 2013 16:08, Guillaume Lepinay <<javascript:> wrote:


I just tried the STUN server configuration for Erizo.
I’m using a virtual machine (VirtualBox). The host is Windows Server,
directly connected to the internet (No NAT), and the guest is the Ubuntu
that host the Licode server.

The virtual network for the guest is under a NAT (the virtualbox nat),
because nothing else was working to connect the guest to the internet and
use the host IP.

So I configured the settings like this in licode_config.js :

//STUN server IP address and port to be used by the server.
//if ‘’ is used, the address is discovered locally
config.erizo.stunserver = ‘’;
config.erizo.stunport = 19302;

But Erizo is still using the local address behind the nat, instead of the
external address.
Is there something else I should do ?

Thank you for your help.

Le lundi 4 novembre 2013 16:51:00 UTC+1, Javier Cerviño a écrit :


For the first question, Licode solves it for you. You only have to send
every stream once to Licode and Licode will forward it to several users. So
the answer is that it is handle natively by the server.

For the second question, the best solution would be not to use a NAT
device between ErizoController and the Internet, which I guess is your
scenario. But you can also configure Erizo Controller to use a STUN server.
You can check the licode_config.js and put a configuration like this in the
corresponding lines:

config.erizo.stunserver = ‘stun_server_IP’;
config.erizo.stunport = stun_server_port;

With your preferred stun server address and ports.


On 30 October 2013 20:10, Guillaume Lepinay wrote:

Hello every body,

I have started working with Licode for 2 weeks now and i’m very happy
with it.
Thanks to your previous help I could start very well.

Now I have 2 questions.

The most important question :

If 10 users are in a room, and only 3 are viewed by other users, do the
10 users send their stream to the server or only the 3 who have at least 1
subscriber ? Do I have to stop/restart publishing by myself depending to
the subsribers count for each stream, or is it handle natively by the
server to save the bandwidth usage ?

And second question :

When I start licode with initLicode, I get this line in the log :
New erizocontroller (1 ) in : is the local address of the server, but how can I do to
make it use the public address IP (viewed by Internet) to allow users from
internet to connect, and not only users from the local network ?

Thank you very much for your help :slight_smile:

With these information, I think I can have something ready in 1 or 2
weeks, if some of you are interested, I will show you.


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Thank you for the reply.

I understood for the 2nd question.
For the first question, I would like just a little bit more information. If
I understood well, every time a client enter the room, he is uploading his
stream to the server, and the server will send his viewer. But if there is
no viewer for a client, does it send his stream to the server anyway, or is
there a native system that can say to the “unview” client : “Don’t publish
for the moment, no one subscribe to your stream” and when there is a
viewer, it can publish again. (to save the download bandwith of the server
if there are many people in a room, but only few of them are viewed).

I hope you could understand me correctly…

Thank you very much.
GuillaumeLe lundi 4 novembre 2013 16:51:00 UTC+1, Javier Cerviño a écrit :


For the first question, Licode solves it for you. You only have to send
every stream once to Licode and Licode will forward it to several users. So
the answer is that it is handle natively by the server.

For the second question, the best solution would be not to use a NAT
device between ErizoController and the Internet, which I guess is your
scenario. But you can also configure Erizo Controller to use a STUN server.
You can check the licode_config.js and put a configuration like this in the
corresponding lines:

config.erizo.stunserver = ‘stun_server_IP’;
config.erizo.stunport = stun_server_port;

With your preferred stun server address and ports.


On 30 October 2013 20:10, Guillaume Lepinay <<javascript:> wrote:

Hello every body,

I have started working with Licode for 2 weeks now and i’m very happy
with it.
Thanks to your previous help I could start very well.

Now I have 2 questions.

The most important question :

If 10 users are in a room, and only 3 are viewed by other users, do the
10 users send their stream to the server or only the 3 who have at least 1
subscriber ? Do I have to stop/restart publishing by myself depending to
the subsribers count for each stream, or is it handle natively by the
server to save the bandwidth usage ?

And second question :

When I start licode with initLicode, I get this line in the log :
New erizocontroller (1 ) in : is the local address of the server, but how can I do to make
it use the public address IP (viewed by Internet) to allow users from
internet to connect, and not only users from the local network ?

Thank you very much for your help :slight_smile:

With these information, I think I can have something ready in 1 or 2
weeks, if some of you are interested, I will show you.


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Thank you for helping me, but i’m not sure I understand everything, because
i’m not very good in english and about the configuration maybe…
I tried to do this :

  1. I had no file called licode_default.js, so I copied licode_config.js to
    licode_default.js (so now I have the 2 files at the same level).
  2. The 2 files are the same, and I joined them in my message, I hope you
    can take 1 minute to have a look.
  3. I set the IP and port of the stun server in both file.

When I start the server (./script/initLicode) I can see in the log Erizo is
using the local address.
I’m sorry if I didn’t do it correctly… please can you help me little bit
more ?

Thank you.
GuillaumeLe samedi 23 novembre 2013 14:48:27 UTC+1, Wilbert Jackson a écrit :

We have only been able to set the licode_config.js stun server ip and port
info by setting it in the the licode_default.js when newly starting the
server. the nuve script takes the licode_default settings and uses them to
replace the licode_config.js settings. Are you sure your licode_config.js
file has the server and ip info set? Even when we set the licode_config.js
per Javier’s instructions the stun server is not working for access
outside of our local lan. Tried this many, many, many times!

On Sat, Nov 23, 2013 at 8:34 AM, Guillaume Lepinay <<javascript:> wrote:

Hello, I tried this settings, with the IP address :

//STUN server IP address and port to be used by the server.
//if ‘’ is used, the address is discovered locally
config.erizo.stunserver = ‘’;
config.erizo.stunport = 19302;

But still the same… Erizo controller starts using the local IP address,
as I can see when I run ./script/ :
New erizocontroller ( 1 ) in:
2013-11-23T13:27:25.214Z - info: Queue erizoController_1 is open

Is there really now way to use it behind a nat… ?
I’m starting the project, I can’t afford a server just for testing… and
my current has 200Mbps bandwith… that’s why I would like to use it…
I don’t know exactly how is the IP used after Erizo is started, because
i’m not good enough for the network part… but is it possible just to
specify the IP address we want in the config file ? or use another service
like a simple webpage that returns the IP address of the host (we could
specify this url in the licode_config.js file ?

Thank you for your help… for now that’s the most blocking point for my
project :slight_smile:


Le vendredi 22 novembre 2013 21:03:41 UTC+1, Javier Cerviño a écrit :

Hi Guillaume,

Currently Erizo only supports setting the IP address (no DNS) in the config.erizo.stunserver
variable. Please, try with .


On 22 November 2013 16:08, Guillaume Lepinay wrote:


I just tried the STUN server configuration for Erizo.
I’m using a virtual machine (VirtualBox). The host is Windows Server,
directly connected to the internet (No NAT), and the guest is the Ubuntu
that host the Licode server.

The virtual network for the guest is under a NAT (the virtualbox nat),
because nothing else was working to connect the guest to the internet and
use the host IP.

So I configured the settings like this in licode_config.js :

//STUN server IP address and port to be used by the server.
//if ‘’ is used, the address is discovered locally
config.erizo.stunserver = ‘’;
config.erizo.stunport = 19302;

But Erizo is still using the local address behind the nat, instead of
the external address.
Is there something else I should do ?

Thank you for your help.

Le lundi 4 novembre 2013 16:51:00 UTC+1, Javier Cerviño a écrit :


For the first question, Licode solves it for you. You only have to
send every stream once to Licode and Licode will forward it to several
users. So the answer is that it is handle natively by the server.

For the second question, the best solution would be not to use a NAT
device between ErizoController and the Internet, which I guess is your
scenario. But you can also configure Erizo Controller to use a STUN server.
You can check the licode_config.js and put a configuration like this in the
corresponding lines:

config.erizo.stunserver = ‘stun_server_IP’;
config.erizo.stunport = stun_server_port;

With your preferred stun server address and ports.


On 30 October 2013 20:10, Guillaume Lepinay wrote:

Hello every body,

I have started working with Licode for 2 weeks now and i’m very happy
with it.
Thanks to your previous help I could start very well.

Now I have 2 questions.

The most important question :

If 10 users are in a room, and only 3 are viewed by other users, do
the 10 users send their stream to the server or only the 3 who have at
least 1 subscriber ? Do I have to stop/restart publishing by myself
depending to the subsribers count for each stream, or is it handle natively
by the server to save the bandwidth usage ?

And second question :

When I start licode with initLicode, I get this line in the log :
New erizocontroller (1 ) in : is the local address of the server, but how can I do to
make it use the public address IP (viewed by Internet) to allow users from
internet to connect, and not only users from the local network ?

Thank you very much for your help :slight_smile:

With these information, I think I can have something ready in 1 or 2
weeks, if some of you are interested, I will show you.


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licode_config.js (1.59 KB)

licode_config.js (1.59 KB)

Hi Wilbert,

It seems that your browser does not get connection to Erizo Controller when
Erizo is behind NAT. Have you forwarded TCP 8080 (the default port of Erizo
Controller for WebSockets) from your NAT to machine where Erizo Controller
is running? Also, you need to make port forwarding for UDP ports to the
same machine. You can limit the UDP ports in licode_config.js. The log on
my server is similar to your successful one (Good Connection) even when it
is behind NAT.

  • Jukka

maanantai, 25. marraskuuta 2013 14.03.56 UTC+2 Wilbert Jackson kirjoitti:>


Thanks for the info. I am unable to connect behind at NAT and have checked
that the role is set as presenter. My logs of good connection on our local
LAN and bad connection via the NAT are shown below. As you can see in the
case of the NAT connection the socket is never opened. Just curious as to
what your NAT connection log shows.



Good Connection

New erizocontroller ( 1 ) in:
2013-11-25T11:54:41.858Z - info: Queue erizoController_1 is open
Representing rooms for service 528fa216e6616bd284f3788f
Created token for room 528fd6f4238a2a310c000001 and service
2013-11-25T11:55:34.928Z - info: Socket connect Cn1BaKTC7VslZNzFHIqO
Consumed token 52933aa9730942a30a000001 from room
528fd6f4238a2a310c000001 of service 528fa216e6616bd284f3788f
2013-11-25T11:55:35.109Z - info: OK, Valid token
2013-11-25T11:55:35.428Z - info: Adding publisher peer_id
2013-11-25 06:55:35,448 - WARN: WebRtcConnection - WebRtcConnection
constructor stunserver stunPort 19302 minPort 0 maxPort 0

2013-11-25 06:55:35,450 - INFO: WebRtcConnection - Update Transport State
video to 0
2013-11-25 06:55:35,522 - INFO: WebRtcConnection - Update Transport State
audio to 0
2013-11-25 06:55:35,524 - WARN: NiceConnection - Stun Server
2013-11-25 06:55:35,524 - WARN: NiceConnection - Stun Server
2013-11-25 06:55:35,567 - INFO: NiceConnection - candidate_gathering done
with 2 candidates
2013-11-25 06:55:35,567 - INFO: WebRtcConnection - Update Transport State
audio to 1
2013-11-25 06:55:35,568 - INFO: WebRtcConnection - audio - Update
Transport State end, 1 - 0, -1770294787 - -855122084, 0 - 0
2013-11-25 06:55:35,568 - INFO: NiceConnection - candidate_gathering done
with 2 candidates
2013-11-25 06:55:35,568 - INFO: WebRtcConnection - Update Transport State
video to 1
2013-11-25 06:55:35,569 - INFO: WebRtcConnection - video - Update
Transport State end, 1 - 1, -1770294787 - -855122084, 1 - 0
2013-11-25 06:55:36,225 - INFO: WebRtcConnection - Update Transport State
video to 2
2013-11-25 06:55:36,225 - INFO: WebRtcConnection - Ready to send and
receive media
2013-11-25 06:55:36,225 - INFO: WebRtcConnection - video - Update
Transport State end, 1 - 2, -1770294787 - -855122084, 2 - 1
2013-11-25T11:55:36.228Z - info: Sending message to Cn1BaKTC7VslZNzFHIqO
in room 528fd6f4238a2a310c000001

Fails to Connect Over NAT

wil@wil-Inspiron-1525:~$ Created token for room 528fd6f4238a2a310c000001
and service 528fa216e6616bd284f3788f

On Mon, Nov 25, 2013 at 2:27 AM, Jukka < <javascript:>>wrote:


I managed to get it running behind NAT but it works only on Chrome.
Firefox gets the WebSocket connection and is able to exchange the SDPs with
Erizo but the stream from Firefox client never reaches Erizo. However, with
Chrome the stream is published succesfully. I haven’t figured out yet what
is wrong with Firefox. I have all the necessary ports forwarded properly. I
think it has something to do with the SDP Firefox creates.

To get it working I set the public IP manually and remembered to set user
role to “presenter” (without that user does not have permission to publish

  • Jukka

lauantai, 23. marraskuuta 2013 18.53.15 UTC+2 Guillaume Lepinay

Hello Wilbert,

So finally even with all you said, it’s finally not working behind a NAT
I’d like my project to be online at the beginning of december for a test
version, so I think the best is I use a server directly connected, with no
NAT for now ?

I will check if I can get one quickly to reinstall everything on it.
Thank you very much for you help.

Le samedi 23 novembre 2013 17:01:40 UTC+1, Wilbert Jackson a écrit :


In the licode/scripts directory there is the listed,
which is shown below. The way I see is working is it copies the
licode_default.js script, which is located in licode/scripts, to
licode_i.js then uses licode_1.js to replace licode_config.js. Before I
came across this I would set licode_cofig.js to configure the stun ip and
port variables before starting the server and then noticed that after nuve
was started the licode_config.js stun variables I set earlier where blank.
So I set the stun variables in licode_default.js instead of
licode_config.js. In our system the stun server still does not work for
remote client access as the stun server never gets called. Instead clients
outside our of local network are doing http get to access the server using
the server’s local ip address and port and thus fail to connect because the
server disconnects socket initially established when the client room access
was granted. Bottom line:

  1. From the server I see a remote client connect

  2. From the see the device info.

  3. From the server see the room access info

  4. Then from the server do not see any stun info and the server
    disconnects the client connection

  5. From the client see that it was trying to access the servers local
    ip address and port and fails, and stun server was never involved.

  6. Check licode_config.js and I confirm the server ip and port are set.

I could be doing something wrong but have no idea what.




cd $ROOT/nuve


echo [licode] Starting mongodb
if [ ! -d “$DB_DIR” ]; then
mkdir -p “$DB_DIR”/db
mongod --repair --dbpath $DB_DIR
mongod --dbpath $DB_DIR --logpath $BUILD_DIR/mongo.log --fork
sleep 5

dbURL=grep "config.nuve.dataBaseURL" $PATHNAME/licode_default.js

dbURL=echo $dbURL| cut -d'"' -f 2
dbURL=echo $dbURL| cut -d'"' -f 1

echo [licode] Creating superservice in $dbURL
mongo $dbURL --eval “{name: ‘superService’, key:
‘$RANDOM’, rooms: })”
SERVID=mongo $dbURL --quiet --eval ""
SERVKEY=mongo $dbURL --quiet --eval ""

SERVID=echo $SERVID| cut -d'"' -f 2
SERVID=echo $SERVID| cut -d'"' -f 1

echo "Mongo Logs: "
cat $BUILD_DIR/mongo.log

echo [licode] SuperService ID $SERVID
echo [licode] SuperService KEY $SERVKEY
sed $replacement $PATHNAME/licode_default.js > $BUILD_DIR/licode_1.js
sed $replacement $BUILD_DIR/licode_1.js > $ROOT/licode_config.js
rm $BUILD_DIR/licode_1.js


On Sat, Nov 23, 2013 at 10:31 AM, Guillaume Lepinay guy...@gmail.comwrote:

Hello again, sorry sorry, I just notice that the licode_default.js is
in the scripts directory (sorry again).
So I added the IP and port of the stun server inside this file, but
it’s still not working.

I joined my ./licode_config.js and ./scripts/licode_default.js

Thank you.

Le samedi 23 novembre 2013 16:01:07 UTC+1, Guillaume Lepinay a écrit :


Thank you for helping me, but i’m not sure I understand everything,
because i’m not very good in english and about the configuration maybe…
I tried to do this :

  1. I had no file called licode_default.js, so I copied
    licode_config.js to licode_default.js (so now I have the 2 files at the
    same level).
  2. The 2 files are the same, and I joined them in my message, I hope
    you can take 1 minute to have a look.
  3. I set the IP and port of the stun server in both file.

When I start the server (./script/initLicode) I can see in the log
Erizo is using the local address.
I’m sorry if I didn’t do it correctly… please can you help me
little bit more ?

Thank you.

Le samedi 23 novembre 2013 14:48:27 UTC+1, Wilbert Jackson a écrit :

We have only been able to set the licode_config.js stun server ip
and port info by setting it in the the licode_default.js when newly
starting the server. the nuve script takes the licode_default settings and
uses them to replace the licode_config.js settings. Are you sure
your licode_config.js file has the server and ip info set? Even when we
set the licode_config.js per Javier’s instructions the stun server
is not working for access outside of our local lan. Tried this many, many,
many times!

On Sat, Nov 23, 2013 at 8:34 AM, Guillaume Lepinay < wrote:

Hello, I tried this settings, with the IP address :

//STUN server IP address and port to be used by the server.
//if ‘’ is used, the address is discovered locally
config.erizo.stunserver = ‘’;
config.erizo.stunport = 19302;

But still the same… Erizo controller starts using the local IP
address, as I can see when I run ./script/ :
New erizocontroller ( 1 ) in:
2013-11-23T13:27:25.214Z - info: Queue erizoController_1 is open

Is there really now way to use it behind a nat… ?
I’m starting the project, I can’t afford a server just for
testing… and my current has 200Mbps bandwith… that’s why I would like to
use it…
I don’t know exactly how is the IP used after Erizo is started,
because i’m not good enough for the network part… but is it possible just
to specify the IP address we want in the config file ? or use another
service like a simple webpage that returns the IP address of the host (we
could specify this url in the licode_config.js file ?

Thank you for your help… for now that’s the most blocking point
for my project :slight_smile:


Le vendredi 22 novembre 2013 21:03:41 UTC+1, Javier Cerviño a
écrit :

Hi Guillaume,

Currently Erizo only supports setting the IP address (no DNS) in
the config.erizo.stunserver variable. Please, try with .


On 22 November 2013 16:08, Guillaume Lepinay guy...@gmail.comwrote:


I just tried the STUN server configuration for Erizo.
I’m using a virtual machine (VirtualBox). The host is Windows
Server, directly connected to the internet (No NAT), and the guest is the
Ubuntu that host the Licode server.

The virtual network for the guest is under a NAT (the virtualbox
nat), because nothing else was working to connect the guest to the internet
and use the host IP.

So I configured the settings like this in licode_config.js :

//STUN server IP address and port to be used by the server.
//if ‘’ is used, the address is discovered locally
config.erizo.stunserver = ‘’;
config.erizo.stunport = 19302;

But Erizo is still using the local address behind the nat,
instead of the external address.
Is there something else I should do ?

Thank you for your help.

Le lundi 4 novembre 2013 16:51:00 UTC+1, Javier Cerviño a écrit :


For the first question, Licode solves it for you. You only have
to send every stream once to Licode and Licode will forward it to several
users. So the answer is that it is handle natively by the server.

For the second question, the best solution would be not to use a
NAT device between ErizoController and the Internet, which I guess is your
scenario. But you can also configure Erizo Controller to use a STUN server.
You can check the licode_config.js and put a configuration like this in the
corresponding lines:

config.erizo.stunserver = ‘stun_server_IP’;
config.erizo.stunport = stun_server_port;

With your preferred stun server address and ports.


On 30 October 2013 20:10, Guillaume Lepinay guy...@gmail.comwrote:

Hello every body,

I have started working with Licode for 2 weeks now and i’m very
happy with it.
Thanks to your previous help I could start very well.

Now I have 2 questions.

The most important question :

If 10 users are in a room, and only 3 are viewed by other
users, do the 10 users send their stream to the server or only the 3 who
have at least 1 subscriber ? Do I have to stop/restart publishing by myself
depending to the subsribers count for each stream, or is it handle natively
by the server to save the bandwidth usage ?

And second question :

When I start licode with initLicode, I get this line in the log
New erizocontroller (1 ) in : is the local address of the server, but how can I
do to make it use the public address IP (viewed by Internet) to allow users
from internet to connect, and not only users from the local network ?

Thank you very much for your help :slight_smile:

With these information, I think I can have something ready in 1
or 2 weeks, if some of you are interested, I will show you.


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Hello Wilbert,

So finally even with all you said, it’s finally not working behind a NAT ?
I’d like my project to be online at the beginning of december for a test
version, so I think the best is I use a server directly connected, with no
NAT for now ?

I will check if I can get one quickly to reinstall everything on it.
Thank you very much for you help.Le samedi 23 novembre 2013 17:01:40 UTC+1, Wilbert Jackson a écrit :


In the licode/scripts directory there is the listed, which
is shown below. The way I see is working is it copies the licode_default.js
script, which is located in licode/scripts, to licode_i.js then uses
licode_1.js to replace licode_config.js. Before I came across this I would
set licode_cofig.js to configure the stun ip and port variables before
starting the server and then noticed that after nuve was started the
licode_config.js stun variables I set earlier where blank. So I set the
stun variables in licode_default.js instead of licode_config.js. In our
system the stun server still does not work for remote client access as the
stun server never gets called. Instead clients outside our of local network
are doing http get to access the server using the server’s local ip address
and port and thus fail to connect because the server disconnects socket
initially established when the client room access was granted. Bottom line:

  1. From the server I see a remote client connect

  2. From the see the device info.

  3. From the server see the room access info

  4. Then from the server do not see any stun info and the server
    disconnects the client connection

  5. From the client see that it was trying to access the servers local ip
    address and port and fails, and stun server was never involved.

  6. Check licode_config.js and I confirm the server ip and port are set.

I could be doing something wrong but have no idea what.




cd $ROOT/nuve


echo [licode] Starting mongodb
if [ ! -d “$DB_DIR” ]; then
mkdir -p “$DB_DIR”/db
mongod --repair --dbpath $DB_DIR
mongod --dbpath $DB_DIR --logpath $BUILD_DIR/mongo.log --fork
sleep 5

dbURL=grep "config.nuve.dataBaseURL" $PATHNAME/licode_default.js

dbURL=echo $dbURL| cut -d'"' -f 2
dbURL=echo $dbURL| cut -d'"' -f 1

echo [licode] Creating superservice in $dbURL
mongo $dbURL --eval “{name: ‘superService’, key:
‘$RANDOM’, rooms: })”
SERVID=mongo $dbURL --quiet --eval ""
SERVKEY=mongo $dbURL --quiet --eval ""

SERVID=echo $SERVID| cut -d'"' -f 2
SERVID=echo $SERVID| cut -d'"' -f 1

echo "Mongo Logs: "
cat $BUILD_DIR/mongo.log

echo [licode] SuperService ID $SERVID
echo [licode] SuperService KEY $SERVKEY
sed $replacement $PATHNAME/licode_default.js > $BUILD_DIR/licode_1.js
sed $replacement $BUILD_DIR/licode_1.js > $ROOT/licode_config.js
rm $BUILD_DIR/licode_1.js


On Sat, Nov 23, 2013 at 10:31 AM, Guillaume Lepinay <<javascript:> wrote:

Hello again, sorry sorry, I just notice that the licode_default.js is in
the scripts directory (sorry again).
So I added the IP and port of the stun server inside this file, but it’s
still not working.

I joined my ./licode_config.js and ./scripts/licode_default.js

Thank you.

Le samedi 23 novembre 2013 16:01:07 UTC+1, Guillaume Lepinay a écrit :


Thank you for helping me, but i’m not sure I understand everything,
because i’m not very good in english and about the configuration maybe…
I tried to do this :

  1. I had no file called licode_default.js, so I copied licode_config.js
    to licode_default.js (so now I have the 2 files at the same level).
  2. The 2 files are the same, and I joined them in my message, I hope you
    can take 1 minute to have a look.
  3. I set the IP and port of the stun server in both file.

When I start the server (./script/initLicode) I can see in the log Erizo
is using the local address.
I’m sorry if I didn’t do it correctly… please can you help me little
bit more ?

Thank you.

Le samedi 23 novembre 2013 14:48:27 UTC+1, Wilbert Jackson a écrit :

We have only been able to set the licode_config.js stun server ip and
port info by setting it in the the licode_default.js when newly starting
the server. the nuve script takes the licode_default settings and uses them
to replace the licode_config.js settings. Are you sure
your licode_config.js file has the server and ip info set? Even when we
set the licode_config.js per Javier’s instructions the stun server is
not working for access outside of our local lan. Tried this many, many,
many times!

On Sat, Nov 23, 2013 at 8:34 AM, Guillaume Lepinay guy...@gmail.comwrote:

Hello, I tried this settings, with the IP address :

//STUN server IP address and port to be used by the server.
//if ‘’ is used, the address is discovered locally
config.erizo.stunserver = ‘’;
config.erizo.stunport = 19302;

But still the same… Erizo controller starts using the local IP
address, as I can see when I run ./script/ :
New erizocontroller ( 1 ) in:
2013-11-23T13:27:25.214Z - info: Queue erizoController_1 is open

Is there really now way to use it behind a nat… ?
I’m starting the project, I can’t afford a server just for testing…
and my current has 200Mbps bandwith… that’s why I would like to use it…
I don’t know exactly how is the IP used after Erizo is started,
because i’m not good enough for the network part… but is it possible just
to specify the IP address we want in the config file ? or use another
service like a simple webpage that returns the IP address of the host (we
could specify this url in the licode_config.js file ?

Thank you for your help… for now that’s the most blocking point for
my project :slight_smile:


Le vendredi 22 novembre 2013 21:03:41 UTC+1, Javier Cerviño a écrit :

Hi Guillaume,

Currently Erizo only supports setting the IP address (no DNS) in the config.erizo.stunserver
variable. Please, try with .


On 22 November 2013 16:08, Guillaume Lepinay guy...@gmail.comwrote:


I just tried the STUN server configuration for Erizo.
I’m using a virtual machine (VirtualBox). The host is Windows
Server, directly connected to the internet (No NAT), and the guest is the
Ubuntu that host the Licode server.

The virtual network for the guest is under a NAT (the virtualbox
nat), because nothing else was working to connect the guest to the internet
and use the host IP.

So I configured the settings like this in licode_config.js :

//STUN server IP address and port to be used by the server.
//if ‘’ is used, the address is discovered locally
config.erizo.stunserver = ‘’;
config.erizo.stunport = 19302;

But Erizo is still using the local address behind the nat, instead
of the external address.
Is there something else I should do ?

Thank you for your help.

Le lundi 4 novembre 2013 16:51:00 UTC+1, Javier Cerviño a écrit :


For the first question, Licode solves it for you. You only have to
send every stream once to Licode and Licode will forward it to several
users. So the answer is that it is handle natively by the server.

For the second question, the best solution would be not to use a
NAT device between ErizoController and the Internet, which I guess is your
scenario. But you can also configure Erizo Controller to use a STUN server.
You can check the licode_config.js and put a configuration like this in the
corresponding lines:

config.erizo.stunserver = ‘stun_server_IP’;
config.erizo.stunport = stun_server_port;

With your preferred stun server address and ports.


On 30 October 2013 20:10, Guillaume Lepinay guy...@gmail.comwrote:

Hello every body,

I have started working with Licode for 2 weeks now and i’m very
happy with it.
Thanks to your previous help I could start very well.

Now I have 2 questions.

The most important question :

If 10 users are in a room, and only 3 are viewed by other users,
do the 10 users send their stream to the server or only the 3 who have at
least 1 subscriber ? Do I have to stop/restart publishing by myself
depending to the subsribers count for each stream, or is it handle natively
by the server to save the bandwidth usage ?

And second question :

When I start licode with initLicode, I get this line in the log :
New erizocontroller (1 ) in : is the local address of the server, but how can I do
to make it use the public address IP (viewed by Internet) to allow users
from internet to connect, and not only users from the local network ?

Thank you very much for your help :slight_smile:

With these information, I think I can have something ready in 1 or
2 weeks, if some of you are interested, I will show you.


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Hi Guillaume,

Currently Erizo only supports setting the IP address (no DNS) in the
variable. Please, try with .

Javier.On 22 November 2013 16:08, Guillaume Lepinay wrote:


I just tried the STUN server configuration for Erizo.
I’m using a virtual machine (VirtualBox). The host is Windows Server,
directly connected to the internet (No NAT), and the guest is the Ubuntu
that host the Licode server.

The virtual network for the guest is under a NAT (the virtualbox nat),
because nothing else was working to connect the guest to the internet and
use the host IP.

So I configured the settings like this in licode_config.js :

//STUN server IP address and port to be used by the server.
//if ‘’ is used, the address is discovered locally
config.erizo.stunserver = ‘’;
config.erizo.stunport = 19302;

But Erizo is still using the local address behind the nat, instead of the
external address.
Is there something else I should do ?

Thank you for your help.

Le lundi 4 novembre 2013 16:51:00 UTC+1, Javier Cerviño a écrit :


For the first question, Licode solves it for you. You only have to send
every stream once to Licode and Licode will forward it to several users. So
the answer is that it is handle natively by the server.

For the second question, the best solution would be not to use a NAT
device between ErizoController and the Internet, which I guess is your
scenario. But you can also configure Erizo Controller to use a STUN server.
You can check the licode_config.js and put a configuration like this in the
corresponding lines:

config.erizo.stunserver = ‘stun_server_IP’;
config.erizo.stunport = stun_server_port;

With your preferred stun server address and ports.


On 30 October 2013 20:10, Guillaume Lepinay wrote:

Hello every body,

I have started working with Licode for 2 weeks now and i’m very happy
with it.
Thanks to your previous help I could start very well.

Now I have 2 questions.

The most important question :

If 10 users are in a room, and only 3 are viewed by other users, do the
10 users send their stream to the server or only the 3 who have at least 1
subscriber ? Do I have to stop/restart publishing by myself depending to
the subsribers count for each stream, or is it handle natively by the
server to save the bandwidth usage ?

And second question :

When I start licode with initLicode, I get this line in the log :
New erizocontroller (1 ) in : is the local address of the server, but how can I do to
make it use the public address IP (viewed by Internet) to allow users from
internet to connect, and not only users from the local network ?

Thank you very much for your help :slight_smile:

With these information, I think I can have something ready in 1 or 2
weeks, if some of you are interested, I will show you.


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Hello again, sorry sorry, I just notice that the licode_default.js is in
the scripts directory (sorry again).
So I added the IP and port of the stun server inside this file, but it’s
still not working.

I joined my ./licode_config.js and ./scripts/licode_default.js

Thank you.
GuillaumeLe samedi 23 novembre 2013 16:01:07 UTC+1, Guillaume Lepinay a écrit :


Thank you for helping me, but i’m not sure I understand everything,
because i’m not very good in english and about the configuration maybe…
I tried to do this :

  1. I had no file called licode_default.js, so I copied licode_config.js to
    licode_default.js (so now I have the 2 files at the same level).
  2. The 2 files are the same, and I joined them in my message, I hope you
    can take 1 minute to have a look.
  3. I set the IP and port of the stun server in both file.

When I start the server (./script/initLicode) I can see in the log Erizo
is using the local address.
I’m sorry if I didn’t do it correctly… please can you help me little bit
more ?

Thank you.

Le samedi 23 novembre 2013 14:48:27 UTC+1, Wilbert Jackson a écrit :

We have only been able to set the licode_config.js stun server ip and
port info by setting it in the the licode_default.js when newly starting
the server. the nuve script takes the licode_default settings and uses them
to replace the licode_config.js settings. Are you sure
your licode_config.js file has the server and ip info set? Even when we
set the licode_config.js per Javier’s instructions the stun server is
not working for access outside of our local lan. Tried this many, many,
many times!

On Sat, Nov 23, 2013 at 8:34 AM, Guillaume Lepinay guy...@gmail.comwrote:

Hello, I tried this settings, with the IP address :

//STUN server IP address and port to be used by the server.
//if ‘’ is used, the address is discovered locally
config.erizo.stunserver = ‘’;
config.erizo.stunport = 19302;

But still the same… Erizo controller starts using the local IP
address, as I can see when I run ./script/ :
New erizocontroller ( 1 ) in:
2013-11-23T13:27:25.214Z - info: Queue erizoController_1 is open

Is there really now way to use it behind a nat… ?
I’m starting the project, I can’t afford a server just for testing…
and my current has 200Mbps bandwith… that’s why I would like to use it…
I don’t know exactly how is the IP used after Erizo is started, because
i’m not good enough for the network part… but is it possible just to
specify the IP address we want in the config file ? or use another service
like a simple webpage that returns the IP address of the host (we could
specify this url in the licode_config.js file ?

Thank you for your help… for now that’s the most blocking point for my
project :slight_smile:


Le vendredi 22 novembre 2013 21:03:41 UTC+1, Javier Cerviño a écrit :

Hi Guillaume,

Currently Erizo only supports setting the IP address (no DNS) in the config.erizo.stunserver
variable. Please, try with .


On 22 November 2013 16:08, Guillaume Lepinay wrote:


I just tried the STUN server configuration for Erizo.
I’m using a virtual machine (VirtualBox). The host is Windows Server,
directly connected to the internet (No NAT), and the guest is the Ubuntu
that host the Licode server.

The virtual network for the guest is under a NAT (the virtualbox nat),
because nothing else was working to connect the guest to the internet and
use the host IP.

So I configured the settings like this in licode_config.js :

//STUN server IP address and port to be used by the server.
//if ‘’ is used, the address is discovered locally
config.erizo.stunserver = ‘’;
config.erizo.stunport = 19302;

But Erizo is still using the local address behind the nat, instead of
the external address.
Is there something else I should do ?

Thank you for your help.

Le lundi 4 novembre 2013 16:51:00 UTC+1, Javier Cerviño a écrit :


For the first question, Licode solves it for you. You only have to
send every stream once to Licode and Licode will forward it to several
users. So the answer is that it is handle natively by the server.

For the second question, the best solution would be not to use a NAT
device between ErizoController and the Internet, which I guess is your
scenario. But you can also configure Erizo Controller to use a STUN server.
You can check the licode_config.js and put a configuration like this in the
corresponding lines:

config.erizo.stunserver = ‘stun_server_IP’;
config.erizo.stunport = stun_server_port;

With your preferred stun server address and ports.


On 30 October 2013 20:10, Guillaume Lepinay wrote:

Hello every body,

I have started working with Licode for 2 weeks now and i’m very
happy with it.
Thanks to your previous help I could start very well.

Now I have 2 questions.

The most important question :

If 10 users are in a room, and only 3 are viewed by other users, do
the 10 users send their stream to the server or only the 3 who have at
least 1 subscriber ? Do I have to stop/restart publishing by myself
depending to the subsribers count for each stream, or is it handle natively
by the server to save the bandwidth usage ?

And second question :

When I start licode with initLicode, I get this line in the log :
New erizocontroller (1 ) in : is the local address of the server, but how can I do to
make it use the public address IP (viewed by Internet) to allow users from
internet to connect, and not only users from the local network ?

Thank you very much for your help :slight_smile:

With these information, I think I can have something ready in 1 or 2
weeks, if some of you are interested, I will show you.


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licode_config.js (1.59 KB)

licode_default.js (1.6 KB)

We have only been able to set the licode_config.js stun server ip and port
info by setting it in the the licode_default.js when newly starting the
server. the nuve script takes the licode_default settings and uses them to
replace the licode_config.js settings. Are you sure your licode_config.js
file has the server and ip info set? Even when we set the licode_config.js
per Javier’s instructions the stun server is not working for access outside
of our local lan. Tried this many, many, many times!On Sat, Nov 23, 2013 at 8:34 AM, Guillaume Lepinay wrote:

Hello, I tried this settings, with the IP address :

//STUN server IP address and port to be used by the server.
//if ‘’ is used, the address is discovered locally
config.erizo.stunserver = ‘ <>’;
config.erizo.stunport = 19302;

But still the same… Erizo controller starts using the local IP address,
as I can see when I run ./script/ :
New erizocontroller ( 1 ) in:
2013-11-23T13:27:25.214Z - info: Queue erizoController_1 is open

Is there really now way to use it behind a nat… ?
I’m starting the project, I can’t afford a server just for testing… and
my current has 200Mbps bandwith… that’s why I would like to use it…
I don’t know exactly how is the IP used after Erizo is started, because
i’m not good enough for the network part… but is it possible just to
specify the IP address we want in the config file ? or use another service
like a simple webpage that returns the IP address of the host (we could
specify this url in the licode_config.js file ?

Thank you for your help… for now that’s the most blocking point for my
project :slight_smile:


Le vendredi 22 novembre 2013 21:03:41 UTC+1, Javier Cerviño a écrit :

Hi Guillaume,

Currently Erizo only supports setting the IP address (no DNS) in the config.erizo.stunserver
variable. Please, try with .


On 22 November 2013 16:08, Guillaume Lepinay wrote:


I just tried the STUN server configuration for Erizo.
I’m using a virtual machine (VirtualBox). The host is Windows Server,
directly connected to the internet (No NAT), and the guest is the Ubuntu
that host the Licode server.

The virtual network for the guest is under a NAT (the virtualbox nat),
because nothing else was working to connect the guest to the internet and
use the host IP.

So I configured the settings like this in licode_config.js :

//STUN server IP address and port to be used by the server.
//if ‘’ is used, the address is discovered locally
config.erizo.stunserver = ‘’;
config.erizo.stunport = 19302;

But Erizo is still using the local address behind the nat, instead of
the external address.
Is there something else I should do ?

Thank you for your help.

Le lundi 4 novembre 2013 16:51:00 UTC+1, Javier Cerviño a écrit :


For the first question, Licode solves it for you. You only have to send
every stream once to Licode and Licode will forward it to several users. So
the answer is that it is handle natively by the server.

For the second question, the best solution would be not to use a NAT
device between ErizoController and the Internet, which I guess is your
scenario. But you can also configure Erizo Controller to use a STUN server.
You can check the licode_config.js and put a configuration like this in the
corresponding lines:

config.erizo.stunserver = ‘stun_server_IP’;
config.erizo.stunport = stun_server_port;

With your preferred stun server address and ports.


On 30 October 2013 20:10, Guillaume Lepinay wrote:

Hello every body,

I have started working with Licode for 2 weeks now and i’m very happy
with it.
Thanks to your previous help I could start very well.

Now I have 2 questions.

The most important question :

If 10 users are in a room, and only 3 are viewed by other users, do
the 10 users send their stream to the server or only the 3 who have at
least 1 subscriber ? Do I have to stop/restart publishing by myself
depending to the subsribers count for each stream, or is it handle natively
by the server to save the bandwidth usage ?

And second question :

When I start licode with initLicode, I get this line in the log :
New erizocontroller (1 ) in : is the local address of the server, but how can I do to
make it use the public address IP (viewed by Internet) to allow users from
internet to connect, and not only users from the local network ?

Thank you very much for your help :slight_smile:

With these information, I think I can have something ready in 1 or 2
weeks, if some of you are interested, I will show you.


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Thanks for the info. I am unable to connect behind at NAT and have checked
that the role is set as presenter. My logs of good connection on our local
LAN and bad connection via the NAT are shown below. As you can see in the
case of the NAT connection the socket is never opened. Just curious as to
what your NAT connection log shows.



Good Connection

New erizocontroller ( 1 ) in:
2013-11-25T11:54:41.858Z - info: Queue erizoController_1 is open
Representing rooms for service 528fa216e6616bd284f3788f
Created token for room 528fd6f4238a2a310c000001 and service
2013-11-25T11:55:34.928Z - info: Socket connect Cn1BaKTC7VslZNzFHIqO
Consumed token 52933aa9730942a30a000001 from room
528fd6f4238a2a310c000001 of service 528fa216e6616bd284f3788f
2013-11-25T11:55:35.109Z - info: OK, Valid token
2013-11-25T11:55:35.428Z - info: Adding publisher peer_id 79938927781768140
2013-11-25 06:55:35,448 - WARN: WebRtcConnection - WebRtcConnection
constructor stunserver stunPort 19302 minPort 0 maxPort 0

2013-11-25 06:55:35,450 - INFO: WebRtcConnection - Update Transport State
video to 0
2013-11-25 06:55:35,522 - INFO: WebRtcConnection - Update Transport State
audio to 0
2013-11-25 06:55:35,524 - WARN: NiceConnection - Stun Server
2013-11-25 06:55:35,524 - WARN: NiceConnection - Stun Server
2013-11-25 06:55:35,567 - INFO: NiceConnection - candidate_gathering done
with 2 candidates
2013-11-25 06:55:35,567 - INFO: WebRtcConnection - Update Transport State
audio to 1
2013-11-25 06:55:35,568 - INFO: WebRtcConnection - audio - Update
Transport State end, 1 - 0, -1770294787 - -855122084, 0 - 0
2013-11-25 06:55:35,568 - INFO: NiceConnection - candidate_gathering done
with 2 candidates
2013-11-25 06:55:35,568 - INFO: WebRtcConnection - Update Transport State
video to 1
2013-11-25 06:55:35,569 - INFO: WebRtcConnection - video - Update
Transport State end, 1 - 1, -1770294787 - -855122084, 1 - 0
2013-11-25 06:55:36,225 - INFO: WebRtcConnection - Update Transport State
video to 2
2013-11-25 06:55:36,225 - INFO: WebRtcConnection - Ready to send and
receive media
2013-11-25 06:55:36,225 - INFO: WebRtcConnection - video - Update
Transport State end, 1 - 2, -1770294787 - -855122084, 2 - 1
2013-11-25T11:55:36.228Z - info: Sending message to Cn1BaKTC7VslZNzFHIqO in
room 528fd6f4238a2a310c000001

Fails to Connect Over NAT

wil@wil-Inspiron-1525:~$ Created token for room 528fd6f4238a2a310c000001
and service 528fa216e6616bd284f3788fOn Mon, Nov 25, 2013 at 2:27 AM, Jukka wrote:


I managed to get it running behind NAT but it works only on Chrome.
Firefox gets the WebSocket connection and is able to exchange the SDPs with
Erizo but the stream from Firefox client never reaches Erizo. However, with
Chrome the stream is published succesfully. I haven’t figured out yet what
is wrong with Firefox. I have all the necessary ports forwarded properly. I
think it has something to do with the SDP Firefox creates.

To get it working I set the public IP manually and remembered to set user
role to “presenter” (without that user does not have permission to publish

  • Jukka

lauantai, 23. marraskuuta 2013 18.53.15 UTC+2 Guillaume Lepinay kirjoitti:

Hello Wilbert,

So finally even with all you said, it’s finally not working behind a NAT ?
I’d like my project to be online at the beginning of december for a test
version, so I think the best is I use a server directly connected, with no
NAT for now ?

I will check if I can get one quickly to reinstall everything on it.
Thank you very much for you help.

Le samedi 23 novembre 2013 17:01:40 UTC+1, Wilbert Jackson a écrit :


In the licode/scripts directory there is the listed,
which is shown below. The way I see is working is it copies the
licode_default.js script, which is located in licode/scripts, to
licode_i.js then uses licode_1.js to replace licode_config.js. Before I
came across this I would set licode_cofig.js to configure the stun ip and
port variables before starting the server and then noticed that after nuve
was started the licode_config.js stun variables I set earlier where blank.
So I set the stun variables in licode_default.js instead of
licode_config.js. In our system the stun server still does not work for
remote client access as the stun server never gets called. Instead clients
outside our of local network are doing http get to access the server using
the server’s local ip address and port and thus fail to connect because the
server disconnects socket initially established when the client room access
was granted. Bottom line:

  1. From the server I see a remote client connect

  2. From the see the device info.

  3. From the server see the room access info

  4. Then from the server do not see any stun info and the server
    disconnects the client connection

  5. From the client see that it was trying to access the servers local ip
    address and port and fails, and stun server was never involved.

  6. Check licode_config.js and I confirm the server ip and port are set.

I could be doing something wrong but have no idea what.




cd $ROOT/nuve


echo [licode] Starting mongodb
if [ ! -d “$DB_DIR” ]; then
mkdir -p “$DB_DIR”/db
mongod --repair --dbpath $DB_DIR
mongod --dbpath $DB_DIR --logpath $BUILD_DIR/mongo.log --fork
sleep 5

dbURL=grep "config.nuve.dataBaseURL" $PATHNAME/licode_default.js

dbURL=echo $dbURL| cut -d'"' -f 2
dbURL=echo $dbURL| cut -d'"' -f 1

echo [licode] Creating superservice in $dbURL
mongo $dbURL --eval “{name: ‘superService’, key:
‘$RANDOM’, rooms: })”
SERVID=mongo $dbURL --quiet --eval ""
SERVKEY=mongo $dbURL --quiet --eval ""

SERVID=echo $SERVID| cut -d'"' -f 2
SERVID=echo $SERVID| cut -d'"' -f 1

echo "Mongo Logs: "
cat $BUILD_DIR/mongo.log

echo [licode] SuperService ID $SERVID
echo [licode] SuperService KEY $SERVKEY
sed $replacement $PATHNAME/licode_default.js > $BUILD_DIR/licode_1.js
sed $replacement $BUILD_DIR/licode_1.js > $ROOT/licode_config.js
rm $BUILD_DIR/licode_1.js


On Sat, Nov 23, 2013 at 10:31 AM, Guillaume Lepinay guy...@gmail.comwrote:

Hello again, sorry sorry, I just notice that the licode_default.js is
in the scripts directory (sorry again).
So I added the IP and port of the stun server inside this file, but
it’s still not working.

I joined my ./licode_config.js and ./scripts/licode_default.js

Thank you.

Le samedi 23 novembre 2013 16:01:07 UTC+1, Guillaume Lepinay a écrit :


Thank you for helping me, but i’m not sure I understand everything,
because i’m not very good in english and about the configuration maybe…
I tried to do this :

  1. I had no file called licode_default.js, so I copied
    licode_config.js to licode_default.js (so now I have the 2 files at the
    same level).
  2. The 2 files are the same, and I joined them in my message, I hope
    you can take 1 minute to have a look.
  3. I set the IP and port of the stun server in both file.

When I start the server (./script/initLicode) I can see in the log
Erizo is using the local address.
I’m sorry if I didn’t do it correctly… please can you help me little
bit more ?

Thank you.

Le samedi 23 novembre 2013 14:48:27 UTC+1, Wilbert Jackson a écrit :

We have only been able to set the licode_config.js stun server ip and
port info by setting it in the the licode_default.js when newly starting
the server. the nuve script takes the licode_default settings and uses them
to replace the licode_config.js settings. Are you sure
your licode_config.js file has the server and ip info set? Even when we
set the licode_config.js per Javier’s instructions the stun server
is not working for access outside of our local lan. Tried this many, many,
many times!

On Sat, Nov 23, 2013 at 8:34 AM, Guillaume Lepinay guy...@gmail.comwrote:

Hello, I tried this settings, with the IP address :

//STUN server IP address and port to be used by the server.
//if ‘’ is used, the address is discovered locally
config.erizo.stunserver = ‘’;
config.erizo.stunport = 19302;

But still the same… Erizo controller starts using the local IP
address, as I can see when I run ./script/ :
New erizocontroller ( 1 ) in:
2013-11-23T13:27:25.214Z - info: Queue erizoController_1 is open

Is there really now way to use it behind a nat… ?
I’m starting the project, I can’t afford a server just for
testing… and my current has 200Mbps bandwith… that’s why I would like to
use it…
I don’t know exactly how is the IP used after Erizo is started,
because i’m not good enough for the network part… but is it possible just
to specify the IP address we want in the config file ? or use another
service like a simple webpage that returns the IP address of the host (we
could specify this url in the licode_config.js file ?

Thank you for your help… for now that’s the most blocking point
for my project :slight_smile:


Le vendredi 22 novembre 2013 21:03:41 UTC+1, Javier Cerviño a écrit :

Hi Guillaume,

Currently Erizo only supports setting the IP address (no DNS) in
the config.erizo.stunserver variable. Please, try with .


On 22 November 2013 16:08, Guillaume Lepinay guy...@gmail.comwrote:


I just tried the STUN server configuration for Erizo.
I’m using a virtual machine (VirtualBox). The host is Windows
Server, directly connected to the internet (No NAT), and the guest is the
Ubuntu that host the Licode server.

The virtual network for the guest is under a NAT (the virtualbox
nat), because nothing else was working to connect the guest to the internet
and use the host IP.

So I configured the settings like this in licode_config.js :

//STUN server IP address and port to be used by the server.
//if ‘’ is used, the address is discovered locally
config.erizo.stunserver = ‘’;
config.erizo.stunport = 19302;

But Erizo is still using the local address behind the nat, instead
of the external address.
Is there something else I should do ?

Thank you for your help.

Le lundi 4 novembre 2013 16:51:00 UTC+1, Javier Cerviño a écrit :


For the first question, Licode solves it for you. You only have
to send every stream once to Licode and Licode will forward it to several
users. So the answer is that it is handle natively by the server.

For the second question, the best solution would be not to use a
NAT device between ErizoController and the Internet, which I guess is your
scenario. But you can also configure Erizo Controller to use a STUN server.
You can check the licode_config.js and put a configuration like this in the
corresponding lines:

config.erizo.stunserver = ‘stun_server_IP’;
config.erizo.stunport = stun_server_port;

With your preferred stun server address and ports.


On 30 October 2013 20:10, Guillaume Lepinay guy...@gmail.comwrote:

Hello every body,

I have started working with Licode for 2 weeks now and i’m very
happy with it.
Thanks to your previous help I could start very well.

Now I have 2 questions.

The most important question :

If 10 users are in a room, and only 3 are viewed by other users,
do the 10 users send their stream to the server or only the 3 who have at
least 1 subscriber ? Do I have to stop/restart publishing by myself
depending to the subsribers count for each stream, or is it handle natively
by the server to save the bandwidth usage ?

And second question :

When I start licode with initLicode, I get this line in the log :
New erizocontroller (1 ) in : is the local address of the server, but how can I
do to make it use the public address IP (viewed by Internet) to allow users
from internet to connect, and not only users from the local network ?

Thank you very much for your help :slight_smile:

With these information, I think I can have something ready in 1
or 2 weeks, if some of you are interested, I will show you.


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I got it to work only by changing the Erizo.js options host field to our
routers assigned DNS name or IP address. Otherwise on our system Erizo.js
has the client connecting to the Erizo Server local network IP address
which causes the remote client to fail to connect.

In Erizo,j I changed the to our routers assigned DNS name = “changed to our routers dns name”;
f = c.util.uniqueUri(e);
var i = {
secure: “https” == e.protocol,
port: e.port || (“https” == e.protocol ? 443 : 80),
query: e.query || “”
};On Mon, Nov 25, 2013 at 8:03 AM, Jukka wrote:

Hi Wilbert,

It seems that your browser does not get connection to Erizo Controller
when Erizo is behind NAT. Have you forwarded TCP 8080 (the default port of
Erizo Controller for WebSockets) from your NAT to machine where Erizo
Controller is running? Also, you need to make port forwarding for UDP ports
to the same machine. You can limit the UDP ports in licode_config.js. The
log on my server is similar to your successful one (Good Connection) even
when it is behind NAT.

  • Jukka

maanantai, 25. marraskuuta 2013 14.03.56 UTC+2 Wilbert Jackson kirjoitti:


Thanks for the info. I am unable to connect behind at NAT and have
checked that the role is set as presenter. My logs of good connection on
our local LAN and bad connection via the NAT are shown below. As you can
see in the case of the NAT connection the socket is never opened. Just
curious as to what your NAT connection log shows.



Good Connection

New erizocontroller ( 1 ) in:
2013-11-25T11:54:41.858Z - info: Queue erizoController_1 is open
Representing rooms for service 528fa216e6616bd284f3788f
Created token for room 528fd6f4238a2a310c000001 and service
2013-11-25T11:55:34.928Z - info: Socket connect Cn1BaKTC7VslZNzFHIqO
Consumed token 52933aa9730942a30a000001 from room
528fd6f4238a2a310c000001 of service 528fa216e6616bd284f3788f
2013-11-25T11:55:35.109Z - info: OK, Valid token
2013-11-25T11:55:35.428Z - info: Adding publisher peer_id
2013-11-25 06:55:35,448 - WARN: WebRtcConnection - WebRtcConnection
constructor stunserver stunPort 19302 minPort 0 maxPort 0

2013-11-25 06:55:35,450 - INFO: WebRtcConnection - Update Transport
State video to 0
2013-11-25 06:55:35,522 - INFO: WebRtcConnection - Update Transport
State audio to 0
2013-11-25 06:55:35,524 - WARN: NiceConnection - Stun Server
2013-11-25 06:55:35,524 - WARN: NiceConnection - Stun Server
2013-11-25 06:55:35,567 - INFO: NiceConnection - candidate_gathering
done with 2 candidates
2013-11-25 06:55:35,567 - INFO: WebRtcConnection - Update Transport
State audio to 1
2013-11-25 06:55:35,568 - INFO: WebRtcConnection - audio - Update
Transport State end, 1 - 0, -1770294787 - -855122084, 0 - 0
2013-11-25 06:55:35,568 - INFO: NiceConnection - candidate_gathering
done with 2 candidates
2013-11-25 06:55:35,568 - INFO: WebRtcConnection - Update Transport
State video to 1
2013-11-25 06:55:35,569 - INFO: WebRtcConnection - video - Update
Transport State end, 1 - 1, -1770294787 - -855122084, 1 - 0
2013-11-25 06:55:36,225 - INFO: WebRtcConnection - Update Transport
State video to 2
2013-11-25 06:55:36,225 - INFO: WebRtcConnection - Ready to send and
receive media
2013-11-25 06:55:36,225 - INFO: WebRtcConnection - video - Update
Transport State end, 1 - 2, -1770294787 - -855122084, 2 - 1
2013-11-25T11:55:36.228Z - info: Sending message to Cn1BaKTC7VslZNzFHIqO
in room 528fd6f4238a2a310c000001

Fails to Connect Over NAT

wil@wil-Inspiron-1525:~$ Created token for room
528fd6f4238a2a310c000001 and service 528fa216e6616bd284f3788f

On Mon, Nov 25, 2013 at 2:27 AM, Jukka wrote:


I managed to get it running behind NAT but it works only on Chrome.
Firefox gets the WebSocket connection and is able to exchange the SDPs with
Erizo but the stream from Firefox client never reaches Erizo. However, with
Chrome the stream is published succesfully. I haven’t figured out yet what
is wrong with Firefox. I have all the necessary ports forwarded properly. I
think it has something to do with the SDP Firefox creates.

To get it working I set the public IP manually and remembered to set
user role to “presenter” (without that user does not have permission to
publish streams).

  • Jukka

lauantai, 23. marraskuuta 2013 18.53.15 UTC+2 Guillaume Lepinay

Hello Wilbert,

So finally even with all you said, it’s finally not working behind a
I’d like my project to be online at the beginning of december for a
test version, so I think the best is I use a server directly connected,
with no NAT for now ?

I will check if I can get one quickly to reinstall everything on it.
Thank you very much for you help.

Le samedi 23 novembre 2013 17:01:40 UTC+1, Wilbert Jackson a écrit :


In the licode/scripts directory there is the listed,
which is shown below. The way I see is working is it copies the
licode_default.js script, which is located in licode/scripts, to
licode_i.js then uses licode_1.js to replace licode_config.js. Before I
came across this I would set licode_cofig.js to configure the stun ip and
port variables before starting the server and then noticed that after nuve
was started the licode_config.js stun variables I set earlier where blank.
So I set the stun variables in licode_default.js instead of
licode_config.js. In our system the stun server still does not work for
remote client access as the stun server never gets called. Instead clients
outside our of local network are doing http get to access the server using
the server’s local ip address and port and thus fail to connect because the
server disconnects socket initially established when the client room access
was granted. Bottom line:

  1. From the server I see a remote client connect

  2. From the see the device info.

  3. From the server see the room access info

  4. Then from the server do not see any stun info and the server
    disconnects the client connection

  5. From the client see that it was trying to access the servers local
    ip address and port and fails, and stun server was never involved.

  6. Check licode_config.js and I confirm the server ip and port are set.

I could be doing something wrong but have no idea what.




cd $ROOT/nuve


echo [licode] Starting mongodb
if [ ! -d “$DB_DIR” ]; then
mkdir -p “$DB_DIR”/db
mongod --repair --dbpath $DB_DIR
mongod --dbpath $DB_DIR --logpath $BUILD_DIR/mongo.log --fork
sleep 5

dbURL=grep "config.nuve.dataBaseURL" $PATHNAME/licode_default.js

dbURL=echo $dbURL| cut -d'"' -f 2
dbURL=echo $dbURL| cut -d'"' -f 1

echo [licode] Creating superservice in $dbURL
mongo $dbURL --eval “{name: ‘superService’, key:
‘$RANDOM’, rooms: })”
SERVID=mongo $dbURL --quiet --eval ""
SERVKEY=mongo $dbURL --quiet --eval ""

SERVID=echo $SERVID| cut -d'"' -f 2
SERVID=echo $SERVID| cut -d'"' -f 1

echo "Mongo Logs: "
cat $BUILD_DIR/mongo.log

echo [licode] SuperService ID $SERVID
echo [licode] SuperService KEY $SERVKEY
sed $replacement $PATHNAME/licode_default.js > $BUILD_DIR/licode_1.js
sed $replacement $BUILD_DIR/licode_1.js > $ROOT/licode_config.js
rm $BUILD_DIR/licode_1.js


On Sat, Nov 23, 2013 at 10:31 AM, Guillaume Lepinay guy...@gmail.comwrote:

Hello again, sorry sorry, I just notice that the licode_default.js is
in the scripts directory (sorry again).
So I added the IP and port of the stun server inside this file, but
it’s still not working.

I joined my ./licode_config.js and ./scripts/licode_default.js

Thank you.

Le samedi 23 novembre 2013 16:01:07 UTC+1, Guillaume Lepinay a écrit :


Thank you for helping me, but i’m not sure I understand everything,
because i’m not very good in english and about the configuration maybe…
I tried to do this :

  1. I had no file called licode_default.js, so I copied
    licode_config.js to licode_default.js (so now I have the 2 files at the
    same level).
  2. The 2 files are the same, and I joined them in my message, I hope
    you can take 1 minute to have a look.
  3. I set the IP and port of the stun server in both file.

When I start the server (./script/initLicode) I can see in the log
Erizo is using the local address.
I’m sorry if I didn’t do it correctly… please can you help me
little bit more ?

Thank you.

Le samedi 23 novembre 2013 14:48:27 UTC+1, Wilbert Jackson a écrit :

We have only been able to set the licode_config.js stun server ip
and port info by setting it in the the licode_default.js when newly
starting the server. the nuve script takes the licode_default settings and
uses them to replace the licode_config.js settings. Are you sure
your licode_config.js file has the server and ip info set? Even when we
set the licode_config.js per Javier’s instructions the stun server
is not working for access outside of our local lan. Tried this many, many,
many times!

On Sat, Nov 23, 2013 at 8:34 AM, Guillaume Lepinay <> wrote:

Hello, I tried this settings, with the IP address :

//STUN server IP address and port to be used by the server.
//if ‘’ is used, the address is discovered locally
config.erizo.stunserver = ‘’;
config.erizo.stunport = 19302;

But still the same… Erizo controller starts using the local IP
address, as I can see when I run ./script/ :
New erizocontroller ( 1 ) in:
2013-11-23T13:27:25.214Z - info: Queue erizoController_1 is open

Is there really now way to use it behind a nat… ?
I’m starting the project, I can’t afford a server just for
testing… and my current has 200Mbps bandwith… that’s why I would like to
use it…
I don’t know exactly how is the IP used after Erizo is started,
because i’m not good enough for the network part… but is it possible just
to specify the IP address we want in the config file ? or use another
service like a simple webpage that returns the IP address of the host (we
could specify this url in the licode_config.js file ?

Thank you for your help… for now that’s the most blocking point
for my project :slight_smile:


Le vendredi 22 novembre 2013 21:03:41 UTC+1, Javier Cerviño a
écrit :

Hi Guillaume,

Currently Erizo only supports setting the IP address (no DNS) in
the config.erizo.stunserver variable. Please, try with .


On 22 November 2013 16:08, Guillaume Lepinay guy...@gmail.comwrote:


I just tried the STUN server configuration for Erizo.
I’m using a virtual machine (VirtualBox). The host is Windows
Server, directly connected to the internet (No NAT), and the guest is the
Ubuntu that host the Licode server.

The virtual network for the guest is under a NAT (the virtualbox
nat), because nothing else was working to connect the guest to the internet
and use the host IP.

So I configured the settings like this in licode_config.js :

//STUN server IP address and port to be used by the server.
//if ‘’ is used, the address is discovered locally
config.erizo.stunserver = ‘’;
config.erizo.stunport = 19302;

But Erizo is still using the local address behind the nat,
instead of the external address.
Is there something else I should do ?

Thank you for your help.

Le lundi 4 novembre 2013 16:51:00 UTC+1, Javier Cerviño a écrit :


For the first question, Licode solves it for you. You only have
to send every stream once to Licode and Licode will forward it to several
users. So the answer is that it is handle natively by the server.

For the second question, the best solution would be not to use
a NAT device between ErizoController and the Internet, which I guess is
your scenario. But you can also configure Erizo Controller to use a STUN
server. You can check the licode_config.js and put a configuration like
this in the corresponding lines:

config.erizo.stunserver = ‘stun_server_IP’;
config.erizo.stunport = stun_server_port;

With your preferred stun server address and ports.


On 30 October 2013 20:10, Guillaume Lepinay guy...@gmail.comwrote:

Hello every body,

I have started working with Licode for 2 weeks now and i’m
very happy with it.
Thanks to your previous help I could start very well.

Now I have 2 questions.

The most important question :

If 10 users are in a room, and only 3 are viewed by other
users, do the 10 users send their stream to the server or only the 3 who
have at least 1 subscriber ? Do I have to stop/restart publishing by myself
depending to the subsribers count for each stream, or is it handle natively
by the server to save the bandwidth usage ?

And second question :

When I start licode with initLicode, I get this line in the
log :
New erizocontroller (1 ) in : is the local address of the server, but how can I
do to make it use the public address IP (viewed by Internet) to allow users
from internet to connect, and not only users from the local network ?

Thank you very much for your help :slight_smile:

With these information, I think I can have something ready in
1 or 2 weeks, if some of you are interested, I will show you.


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It depends on what you want to offer on your applications. A user can
publish the video and other users can subscribe to it. Or a user can be
connected to the room and he don’t have to publish or subscribe anything.
Or another user can start publish the video in the middle of the conference
and stop publishing it after a while. You can take a look at the docs in

Javier.On 4 November 2013 22:48, Guillaume Lepinay wrote:

Thank you for the reply.

I understood for the 2nd question.
For the first question, I would like just a little bit more information.
If I understood well, every time a client enter the room, he is uploading
his stream to the server, and the server will send his viewer. But if there
is no viewer for a client, does it send his stream to the server anyway, or
is there a native system that can say to the “unview” client : “Don’t
publish for the moment, no one subscribe to your stream” and when there is
a viewer, it can publish again. (to save the download bandwith of the
server if there are many people in a room, but only few of them are viewed).

I hope you could understand me correctly…

Thank you very much.

Le lundi 4 novembre 2013 16:51:00 UTC+1, Javier Cerviño a écrit :


For the first question, Licode solves it for you. You only have to send
every stream once to Licode and Licode will forward it to several users. So
the answer is that it is handle natively by the server.

For the second question, the best solution would be not to use a NAT
device between ErizoController and the Internet, which I guess is your
scenario. But you can also configure Erizo Controller to use a STUN server.
You can check the licode_config.js and put a configuration like this in the
corresponding lines:

config.erizo.stunserver = ‘stun_server_IP’;
config.erizo.stunport = stun_server_port;

With your preferred stun server address and ports.


On 30 October 2013 20:10, Guillaume Lepinay wrote:

Hello every body,

I have started working with Licode for 2 weeks now and i’m very happy
with it.
Thanks to your previous help I could start very well.

Now I have 2 questions.

The most important question :

If 10 users are in a room, and only 3 are viewed by other users, do the
10 users send their stream to the server or only the 3 who have at least 1
subscriber ? Do I have to stop/restart publishing by myself depending to
the subsribers count for each stream, or is it handle natively by the
server to save the bandwidth usage ?

And second question :

When I start licode with initLicode, I get this line in the log :
New erizocontroller (1 ) in : is the local address of the server, but how can I do to
make it use the public address IP (viewed by Internet) to allow users from
internet to connect, and not only users from the local network ?

Thank you very much for your help :slight_smile:

With these information, I think I can have something ready in 1 or 2
weeks, if some of you are interested, I will show you.


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For the first question, Licode solves it for you. You only have to send
every stream once to Licode and Licode will forward it to several users. So
the answer is that it is handle natively by the server.

For the second question, the best solution would be not to use a NAT device
between ErizoController and the Internet, which I guess is your scenario.
But you can also configure Erizo Controller to use a STUN server. You can
check the licode_config.js and put a configuration like this in the
corresponding lines:

config.erizo.stunserver = ‘stun_server_IP’;
config.erizo.stunport = stun_server_port;

With your preferred stun server address and ports.

Javier.On 30 October 2013 20:10, Guillaume Lepinay wrote:

Hello every body,

I have started working with Licode for 2 weeks now and i’m very happy with
Thanks to your previous help I could start very well.

Now I have 2 questions.

The most important question :

If 10 users are in a room, and only 3 are viewed by other users, do the 10
users send their stream to the server or only the 3 who have at least 1
subscriber ? Do I have to stop/restart publishing by myself depending to
the subsribers count for each stream, or is it handle natively by the
server to save the bandwidth usage ?

And second question :

When I start licode with initLicode, I get this line in the log :
New erizocontroller (1 ) in : is the local address of the server, but how can I do to make
it use the public address IP (viewed by Internet) to allow users from
internet to connect, and not only users from the local network ?

Thank you very much for your help :slight_smile:

With these information, I think I can have something ready in 1 or 2
weeks, if some of you are interested, I will show you.


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We can’t get the stun server to work either behind a nat. For us changing
the licode_config.js to add the stun address and port does not work as the
licode_default.js file replaces the licode_config.js file when nuve script
runs. Changing the licode_default.js to add the stun address and port does
not work as the log never shows any remote client access.On Wednesday, October 30, 2013 2:10:53 PM UTC-5, Guillaume Lepinay wrote:

Hello every body,

I have started working with Licode for 2 weeks now and i’m very happy with
Thanks to your previous help I could start very well.

Now I have 2 questions.

The most important question :

If 10 users are in a room, and only 3 are viewed by other users, do the 10
users send their stream to the server or only the 3 who have at least 1
subscriber ? Do I have to stop/restart publishing by myself depending to
the subsribers count for each stream, or is it handle natively by the
server to save the bandwidth usage ?

And second question :

When I start licode with initLicode, I get this line in the log :
New erizocontroller (1 ) in : is the local address of the server, but how can I do to make
it use the public address IP (viewed by Internet) to allow users from
internet to connect, and not only users from the local network ?

Thank you very much for your help :slight_smile:

With these information, I think I can have something ready in 1 or 2
weeks, if some of you are interested, I will show you.
