Thank you for this awesome project. We are currently using it in one of our
product and it is one of the most stable and scalable opensource projects i
have seen.
Next step in our development is integrating sip support in Erizo. Can you
guys point me in the right direction? Is there a way I can implement a
middle ware(SipJs for node) which publishes rtp streams from sip and
publishes them in licode using erizoAPI?
I desided to implement a Licode to Sip bridge which is running standalone:
Still very beta (Only tested echo and a simple Conference: 1 Licode User and 2 Phones)
I know their is some overhead in this approche, but it’s also very flexible and could be changed to include other WebRTC MCU/SFUs as well. Don’t know myself if this will scale very well… more a prove of concept so far.