SIP Support in Licode

Hi Guys,

Thank you for this awesome project. We are currently using it in one of our
product and it is one of the most stable and scalable opensource projects i
have seen.

Next step in our development is integrating sip support in Erizo. Can you
guys point me in the right direction? Is there a way I can implement a
middle ware(SipJs for node) which publishes rtp streams from sip and
publishes them in licode using erizoAPI?


Any progress on SIP integration?

Actually no SIP implementation. please, share with us your work if you are implementing it! would be nice!

I desided to implement a Licode to Sip bridge which is running standalone:

Still very beta (Only tested echo and a simple Conference: 1 Licode User and 2 Phones)

I know their is some overhead in this approche, but it’s also very flexible and could be changed to include other WebRTC MCU/SFUs as well. Don’t know myself if this will scale very well… more a prove of concept so far.

Let me know what you think :slight_smile:

Love your effort. I can’t wait to have time to test it!