Slideshow issue between mozilla and google chrome

Hi. I’ve a problem. One of the connected users has low bandwidth and the
other two are all right. When users with good bandwidth broadcasts, video
quality adjusts to the user with poor bandwidth. To prevent this I listen
the *“bandwidth-alert” *event and use the “**notify-break-recover”. My
onBandwidth-alert handler looks like this:

room.onBandwidthAlert = function (event) {
console.log(“handle bandwidth alert”,, event.msg);
if (event.msg.recovered) {{slideShowMode: false}, function (result) {
console.log(“speed recovered”)
console.log(“try disable slideshow”, result);
} else {{slideShowMode: true}, function (result) {
console.log(“try update stream config”, result);

All works fine if all users use same browsers: user with low bandwidth see slideshow, and users with good bandwidth see normal video streams. But if somebody use firefox and somebody use chrome slideshow mode applyes to all users. What could be the problem?