Hi, we are facing the issue that many corporate firewalls are blocking port 8080 for Erizo. Our site is completely on https and Chrome throws no error. Corporate firewalls do not block our site but they block Erizo request to port 8080.
Do you have any suggestion on this? I will greatly appreciate your suggestions.
Erizo Controller uses port 8080 for WebSockets. There are two possibilities: the firewalls are blocking access to port 8080 (solution: you can listen on port 443 or deploy a https proxy that forwards connections from 443 to 8080), or they are blocking websockets (your should configure the firewall to accept them).
Would listening on port 443 require handling CORS? Do you know where I can do CORS setting in Licode? Iām trying to follow this: Stackoverflow post but finding it hard to do this CORS setting in Licode.
I am using Nginx for proxying request from 443 to 8080 and it responds with error 502 Bad Gateway for 443 while replies in 200 if requested on port 8080.