Different video quality in one room

hi everyone,

firstly - i’m just starting out with Licode and it looks to be a sensibly
architected product - well done! :slight_smile:

My scenario:

I’d like to get a single room for instructors/students set up, however, due
to bandwidth constraints I’d like to have different video quality based on
participant (this bit will be conditionally set by a web app).

For example, the instructor might stream at 720p/25fps whilst the students
might only stream at 512x300/16fps.

Whilst I can see how I’d set the videoSize, how would I go about setting
the framerate?

If i currently have:
var stream = {audio: true, video: true, data: true, videoSize: [256, 150,
512, 300]};

*My question: *

how would i set:
var stream = {audio: true, video: true, data: true, videoSize: [256, 150,
512, 300], frameRate: 16};
or something similar?

thanks in advance
