Fixed: ICE Failure over cloud instance and Deprecated Logs

navigator.mozGetUserMedia has been replaced by navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMediaapp.js:12709:12
Invalid URI. Load of media resource failed.conference
WebRTC interfaces with the “moz” prefix (mozRTCPeerConnection, mozRTCSessionDescription, mozRTCIceCandidate) have been
RTCIceServer.url is deprecated! Use urls
onaddstream is deprecated! Use peerConnection.ontrack
RTCIceServer.url is deprecated! Use urls
onaddstream is deprecated! Use peerConnection.ontrack instead.

Is it fixed in any recent releases.

ICE failed, see about:webrtc for more details (unknown)
WARNING: Stream 606059304904192600 has failed after succesfuly ICE checks 4c020ee753cf6859eb2dfe704647064b32041c52.js:211:2306

I am seeing these error logs also.

One notice is … ICE failed issue is coming only in cloud instance. Not in local setup.

Anyone faced similar issue?

  1. ICE issue if fixed.

Updated “config.erizoAgent.publicIP” value from host-name with public ip address.

But chrome was able to work with host-name itself.

  1. But still deprecated logs are there, which we need to fix.

I have the same issue?. did you fixed it?


As mentioned I updated “config.erizoAgent.publicIP” with its actual public ip … instead of host-name.
It worked for me in this way.

NOTE: I was facing this issue only on amazon cloud instance. Locally it is fine even with host-name.
