Thanks to the whole Licode Team for a very brilliant and impressive project.
I have implemented the Licode on our Amazon Web Services and after several
attempts, it was working perfectly now.
There were some issues that I encountered by I have done some fixes on it
particularly on the erizoController.js. I just wanted to confirm if I am
doing the “correct fix” on it.
Just to describe our AWS setup, Our server has a public IP address of
54.x.x.x and a Private IP of 10.x.x.x. During the page request, the
"createToken" is using the correct publicIP but requesting to "socketio"
uses the privateIP, so what I did was to hardwire the publicIP address to
the erizoController.js.
publicIP = ‘54.x…’;
Is this the correct fix?
And also, when I use Ubuntu, The video stream is upside down? is this
somewhere connected with Licode?
Make sure you first set the amazon properties in the the licode_config.js.
That is how licode gets the public ip address for the amazon instance. = ‘amazon’;
//In Amazon Ec2 instances you can specify the zone host. By default is
‘’ = ‘’;
config.cloudProvider.accessKey = ‘’;
config.cloudProvider.secretAccessKey = ‘’;
roboOn Tuesday, November 19, 2013 6:22:51 PM UTC-8, Yeng wrote:
Good Day,
Thanks to the whole Licode Team for a very brilliant and impressive
I have implemented the Licode on our Amazon Web Services and after several
attempts, it was working perfectly now.
There were some issues that I encountered by I have done some fixes on it
particularly on the erizoController.js. I just wanted to confirm if I am
doing the “correct fix” on it.
Just to describe our AWS setup, Our server has a public IP address of
54.x.x.x and a Private IP of 10.x.x.x. During the page request, the
“createToken” is using the correct publicIP but requesting to “socketio”
uses the privateIP, so what I did was to hardwire the publicIP address to
the erizoController.js.
publicIP = ‘54.x…’;
Is this the correct fix?
And also, when I use Ubuntu, The video stream is upside down? is this
somewhere connected with Licode?