Delay occurs when there are many subscribers


I sent videos(with sounds) using Licode under the following conditions, and It shows more than 10 seconds delay.

  • Number of rooms - 1
  • Publisher - 1
  • Subscribers - 200
  • MaxBandwidh - 150
  • MaxFramerate - 20
  • Server CPU - 1.6 GHz x 4
  • Server Memory - 8 GB
  • Version of Licode - v2
  • ErizoAgent.maxProcesses - 32
  • ErizoAgent.prerunProcesses - 8
  • Erizo.numWorkers - 24
  • Browser - Chrome stable M57

The CPU usage of the server as a whole was around 50%.

I tried to send video without sound under the same conditions, delays did not occur, CPU utilization was about 30%.

I changed the server to CPU with 1.6 GHz x 8 and tried to send video with sound, then delay occurred.
Also, when I confirmed with the top command, there was only one erizoJS process with high load in any case, but CPU was all overloaded.

Does this mean that even if the CPU of the server has sufficient performance, will the number of people handled by the erizoJS process be limited?

I want to send video over 500 people.
Do you have any idea to send to more people?


Hi Shohei,

When you say “sent videos” are you talking about a regular call publisher
or RTSP/File broadcast?

March 24


I sent videos(with sounds) using Licode under the following conditions,
and It shows more than 10 seconds delay.

Number of rooms - 1
Publisher - 1
Subscribers - 200
MaxBandwidh - 150
MaxFramerate - 20
Server CPU - 1.6 GHz x 4
Server Memory - 8 GB
Version of Licode - v2
ErizoAgent.maxProcesses - 32
ErizoAgent.prerunProcesses - 8
Erizo.numWorkers - 24
Browser - Chrome stable M57

The CPU usage of the server as a whole was around 50%.

I tried to send video without sound under the same conditions, delays did
not occur, CPU utilization was about 30%.

I changed the server to CPU with 1.6 GHz x 8 and tried to send video with
sound, then delay occurred.
Also, when I confirmed with the top command, there was only one erizoJS
process with high load in any case, but CPU was all overloaded.

Does this mean that even if the CPU of the server has sufficient
performance, will the number of people handled by the erizoJS process be

Thanks for the response.

I am sorry that the expression is confusing.
I intend “regular call publisher”.

Are there any ideas or suggestions?
Is erizoJS designed to not run out of CPU?
Is there anything I can investigate?