Dear all,
After installing the latest version of licode, all of function is normal in internal network, but couldn’t see video stream in external. following is log when try to connect. Please give me useful comment ^^.
2017-04-12 05:45:59.539 - INFO: ErizoController - message: erizoClient connected, clientId: zpULRA-in-VNqWKBv2TN
2017-04-12 05:45:59.546 - INFO: RPCPublic - message: consumed token, tokenId: 58ed4086484d8f5e695a505e , roomId: 58ed37d444978048511d8d38, serviceId: 58ed2e41cd3387b6b5bc365d
2017-04-12 05:45:59.553 - INFO: ErizoController - message: addPublisher requested, streamId: 363603108666514800, clientId: zpULRA-in-VNqWKBv2TN, state: erizo, data: true, audio: true, video: true, minVideoBW: 0, attributes: [Object], userId: zTcxQUBYz6, userName: Guest73, hospital: , division: , societyRole: doctor, roomRole: viewer, phone: , email: , isAudio: true, isVideo: true, rToken: eyJ0b2tlbklkIjoiNThlZDQwODY0ODRkOGY1ZTY5NWE1MDVlIiwiaG9zdCI6InZpZGVvLnNvZnRuZXQuY28ua3I6ODA4MCIsInNlY3VyZSI6dHJ1ZSwic2lnbmF0dXJlIjoiTUdJNU5EbGtPVEUyT0Rjd1pEQmpOelUxT1dKa05HSTROakpoTW1GbE56UTNOREZpWm1ObE9RPT0ifQ==, ptnGender: M, ptnAge: -, ptnBloodType: -, ptnHeight: -, ptnWeight: -, lang: ko
2017-04-12 05:45:59.553 - INFO: RoomController - message: addPublisher, streamId: 363603108666514800, state: erizo, data: true, audio: true, video: true, minVideoBW: 0, attributes: [Object],
2017-04-12 05:45:59.554 - INFO: EcCloudHandler - message: createErizoJS, agentId: ErizoAgent
2017-04-12 05:45:59.554 - INFO: ErizoController - ********************************************************************************
2017-04-12 05:45:59.555 - INFO: ErizoController - model.InsConnectRoom OK
2017-04-12 05:45:59.556 - INFO: EcCloudHandler - message: createErizoJS success, erizoId: 2c58ed25-2fa1-119d-fc87-f88fda12802d, agentId: 2f751255-7ffa-2e8b-e482-8c9260d57285
2017-04-12 05:45:59.556 - INFO: RoomController - message: addPublisher erizoJs assigned, erizoId: 2c58ed25-2fa1-119d-fc87-f88fda12802d, streamId: 363603108666514800,
[erizo-2c58ed25-2fa1-119d-fc87-f88fda12802d] 2017-04-12 05:45:59.560 - INFO: ErizoJSController - message: Adding publisher, streamId: 363603108666514800, state: erizo, data: true, audio: true, video: true, minVideoBW: 0, attributes: [Object],
[erizo-2c58ed25-2fa1-119d-fc87-f88fda12802d] 2017-04-12 05:45:59,562 - INFO [0x7f5cd3f0e780] WebRtcConnection - id: 363603108666514800, message: constructor, stunserver:, stunPort: 19302, minPort: 30000, maxPort: 31000
[erizo-2c58ed25-2fa1-119d-fc87-f88fda12802d] 2017-04-12 05:45:59.564 - INFO: ErizoJSController - message: WebRtcConnection status update, id: 363603108666514800, status: 101,
2017-04-12 05:45:59.565 - INFO: ErizoController - message: addPublisher, state: PUBLISHER_INITIAL, clientId: zpULRA-in-VNqWKBv2TN, streamId: 363603108666514800
[erizo-2c58ed25-2fa1-119d-fc87-f88fda12802d] 2017-04-12 05:45:59.578 - INFO: ErizoJSController - message: Process Signaling message, streamId: 363603108666514800, peerId: zpULRA-in-VNqWKBv2TN
[erizo-2c58ed25-2fa1-119d-fc87-f88fda12802d] 2017-04-12 05:45:59,578 - DEBUG [0x7f5cd3f0e780] WebRtcConnection - id: 363603108666514800, message: setting remote SDP
[erizo-2c58ed25-2fa1-119d-fc87-f88fda12802d] 2017-04-12 05:45:59,579 - DEBUG [0x7f5cd3f0e780] WebRtcConnection - id: 363603108666514800, message: Setting remote BW, maxVideoBW: 300
[erizo-2c58ed25-2fa1-119d-fc87-f88fda12802d] 2017-04-12 05:45:59,579 - WARN [0x7f5cd3f0e780] rtp.RtpExtensionProcessor - Unsupported extension
[erizo-2c58ed25-2fa1-119d-fc87-f88fda12802d] 2017-04-12 05:45:59,579 - DEBUG [0x7f5cd3f0e780] WebRtcConnection - id: 363603108666514800, message: Creating videoTransport, ufrag: 2nrz, pass: h0yjyyt9v2iFyxSt850287Ly
[erizo-2c58ed25-2fa1-119d-fc87-f88fda12802d] 2017-04-12 05:45:59,580 - DEBUG [0x7f5cd3f0e780] DtlsTransport - id: 363603108666514800, message: constructor, transportName: video, isBundle: 1
[erizo-2c58ed25-2fa1-119d-fc87-f88fda12802d] 2017-04-12 05:45:59,587 - DEBUG [0x7f5cd3f0e780] DtlsTransport - id: 363603108666514800, message: creating active-client
[erizo-2c58ed25-2fa1-119d-fc87-f88fda12802d] 2017-04-12 05:45:59,587 - WARN [0x7f5cd3f0e780] dtls.SSL - error in before/connect initialization
2017-04-12 05:45:59,587 - DEBUG [0x7f5cd3f0e780] DtlsTransport - id: 363603108666514800, message: created
[erizo-2c58ed25-2fa1-119d-fc87-f88fda12802d] 2017-04-12 05:45:59,587 - DEBUG [0x7f5cd3f0e780] DtlsTransport - id: 363603108666514800, message: starting ice
2017-04-12 05:45:59,587 - DEBUG [0x7f5cd3f0e780] NiceConnection - id: 363603108666514800, message: creating Nice Agent
[erizo-2c58ed25-2fa1-119d-fc87-f88fda12802d] 2017-04-12 05:45:59,588 - DEBUG [0x7f5cd3f0e780] NiceConnection - id: 363603108666514800, message: setting stun, stunServer:, stunPort: 19302
[erizo-2c58ed25-2fa1-119d-fc87-f88fda12802d] 2017-04-12 05:45:59,588 - DEBUG [0x7f5c4a7fc700] NiceConnection - id: 363603108666514800, message: starting g_main_loop, this: 0x2738550
2017-04-12 05:45:59,588 - DEBUG [0x7f5cd3f0e780] NiceConnection - id: 363603108666514800, message: adding stream, iceComponents: 1
2017-04-12 05:45:59,588 - DEBUG [0x7f5cd3f0e780] NiceConnection - id: 363603108666514800, message: setting remote credentials in constructor, ufrag:2nrz, pass:h0yjyyt9v2iFyxSt850287Ly
2017-04-12 05:45:59,588 - DEBUG [0x7f5cd3f0e780] NiceConnection - id: 363603108666514800, message: setting remote credentials, ufrag: 2nrz, pass: h0yjyyt9v2iFyxSt850287Ly
2017-04-12 05:45:59,588 - DEBUG [0x7f5cd3f0e780] NiceConnection - id: 363603108666514800, message: setting port range, minPort: 30000, maxPort: 31000
2017-04-12 05:45:59,588 - DEBUG [0x7f5cd3f0e780] NiceConnection - id: 363603108666514800, message: gathering, this: 0x2738550
[erizo-2c58ed25-2fa1-119d-fc87-f88fda12802d] 2017-04-12 05:45:59,588 - DEBUG [0x7f5cd3f0e780] WebRtcConnection - id: 363603108666514800, message: Discovered New Candidate, candidate: a=candidate:1 1 udp 2013266431 30994 typ host generation 0
[erizo-2c58ed25-2fa1-119d-fc87-f88fda12802d] 2017-04-12 05:45:59,588 - DEBUG [0x7f5cd3f0e780] WebRtcConnection - id: 363603108666514800, message: Discovered New Candidate, candidate: a=candidate:2 1 udp 2013266431 30490 typ host generation 0
2017-04-12 05:45:59,588 - DEBUG [0x7f5cd3f0e780] WebRtcConnection - id: 363603108666514800, message: Discovered New Candidate, candidate: a=candidate:3 1 udp 2013266431 30870 typ host generation 0
2017-04-12 05:45:59,588 - DEBUG [0x7f5cd3f0e780] NiceConnection - id: 363603108666514800, message: gathering done, stream_id: 1
2017-04-12 05:45:59,588 - INFO [0x7f5cd3f0e780] NiceConnection - id: 363603108666514800, message: iceState transition, transportName: video, iceState: initial, newIceState: cand_received, this: 0x2738550
2017-04-12 05:45:59,588 - DEBUG [0x7f5cd3f0e780] DtlsTransport - id: 363603108666514800, message:NiceState, transportName: video, state: 1, isBundle: 1
2017-04-12 05:45:59,589 - DEBUG [0x7f5cd3f0e780] WebRtcConnection - id: 363603108666514800, transportName: video, new_state: 2
2017-04-12 05:45:59,589 - DEBUG [0x7f5cd3f0e780] WebRtcConnection - id: 363603108666514800, message: Getting Local Sdp
2017-04-12 05:45:59,589 - DEBUG [0x7f5cd3f0e780] DtlsTransport - id: 363603108666514800, message: processing local sdp, transportName: video
2017-04-12 05:45:59,589 - DEBUG [0x7f5cd3f0e780] DtlsTransport - id: 363603108666514800, message: processed local sdp, transportName: video, ufrag: sfJm, pass: zPvIRsISjCFZbUFlN33y1Y
[erizo-2c58ed25-2fa1-119d-fc87-f88fda12802d] 2017-04-12 05:45:59,589 - INFO [0x7f5cd3f0e780] WebRtcConnection - id: 363603108666514800, newGlobalState: 103
[erizo-2c58ed25-2fa1-119d-fc87-f88fda12802d] ( RemoteBitrateEstimatorSingleStream: Instantiating.
[erizo-2c58ed25-2fa1-119d-fc87-f88fda12802d] 2017-04-12 05:45:59.592 - INFO: ErizoJSController - message: WebRtcConnection status update, id: 363603108666514800, status: 103,
[erizo-2c58ed25-2fa1-119d-fc87-f88fda12802d] 2017-04-12 05:45:59.611 - INFO: ErizoJSController - message: Process Signaling message, streamId: 363603108666514800, peerId: zpULRA-in-VNqWKBv2TN
[erizo-2c58ed25-2fa1-119d-fc87-f88fda12802d] 2017-04-12 05:45:59,612 - DEBUG [0x7f5cd3f0e780] WebRtcConnection - id: 363603108666514800, message: Adding remote Candidate, candidate: a=candidate:2999745851 1 udp 2122260223 64721 typ host generation 0 ufrag 2nrz network-id 3, mid: audio, sdpMLine: 0
2017-04-12 05:45:59,612 - DEBUG [0x7f5cd3f0e780] NiceConnection - id: 363603108666514800, message: setting remote candidates, candidateSize: 1, mediaType: 0
[erizo-2c58ed25-2fa1-119d-fc87-f88fda12802d] 2017-04-12 05:45:59,612 - DEBUG [0x7f5cd3f0e780] NiceConnection - id: 363603108666514800, message: adding remote candidate, hostType: 0, hostAddress:, hostPort: 64721, priority: 2122260223, componentId: 1, ufrag: 2nrz, pass: h0yjyyt9v2iFyxSt850287Ly
[erizo-2c58ed25-2fa1-119d-fc87-f88fda12802d] 2017-04-12 05:45:59.613 - INFO: ErizoJSController - message: Process Signaling message, streamId: 363603108666514800, peerId: zpULRA-in-VNqWKBv2TN
[erizo-2c58ed25-2fa1-119d-fc87-f88fda12802d] 2017-04-12 05:45:59,613 - DEBUG [0x7f5cd3f0e780] WebRtcConnection - id: 363603108666514800, message: Adding remote Candidate, candidate: a=candidate:2218435994 1 udp 2122194687 64722 typ host generation 0 ufrag 2nrz network-id 1, mid: audio, sdpMLine: 0
2017-04-12 05:45:59,613 - DEBUG [0x7f5cd3f0e780] NiceConnection - id: 363603108666514800, message: setting remote candidates, candidateSize: 1, mediaType: 0
[erizo-2c58ed25-2fa1-119d-fc87-f88fda12802d] 2017-04-12 05:45:59,613 - DEBUG [0x7f5cd3f0e780] NiceConnection - id: 363603108666514800, message: adding remote candidate, hostType: 0, hostAddress:, hostPort: 64722, priority: 2122194687, componentId: 1, ufrag: 2nrz, pass: h0yjyyt9v2iFyxSt850287Ly
[erizo-2c58ed25-2fa1-119d-fc87-f88fda12802d] 2017-04-12 05:45:59.613 - INFO: ErizoJSController - message: Process Signaling message, streamId: 363603108666514800, peerId: zpULRA-in-VNqWKBv2TN
[erizo-2c58ed25-2fa1-119d-fc87-f88fda12802d] 2017-04-12 05:45:59,613 - DEBUG [0x7f5cd3f0e780] WebRtcConnection - id: 363603108666514800, message: Adding remote Candidate, candidate: a=candidate:1622875738 1 udp 2122129151 64723 typ host generation 0 ufrag 2nrz network-id 2 network-cost 10, mid: audio, sdpMLine: 0
[erizo-2c58ed25-2fa1-119d-fc87-f88fda12802d] 2017-04-12 05:45:59,613 - DEBUG [0x7f5cd3f0e780] NiceConnection - id: 363603108666514800, message: setting remote candidates, candidateSize: 1, mediaType: 0
[erizo-2c58ed25-2fa1-119d-fc87-f88fda12802d] 2017-04-12 05:45:59,613 - DEBUG [0x7f5cd3f0e780] NiceConnection - id: 363603108666514800, message: adding remote candidate, hostType: 0, hostAddress:, hostPort: 64723, priority: 2122129151, componentId: 1, ufrag: 2nrz, pass: h0yjyyt9v2iFyxSt850287Ly
[erizo-2c58ed25-2fa1-119d-fc87-f88fda12802d] 2017-04-12 05:45:59.706 - INFO: ErizoJSController - message: Process Signaling message, streamId: 363603108666514800, peerId: zpULRA-in-VNqWKBv2TN
[erizo-2c58ed25-2fa1-119d-fc87-f88fda12802d] 2017-04-12 05:45:59,706 - DEBUG [0x7f5cd3f0e780] WebRtcConnection - id: 363603108666514800, message: Adding remote Candidate, candidate: a=candidate:4233069003 1 tcp 1518280447 9 typ host tcptype active generation 0 ufrag 2nrz network-id 3, mid: audio, sdpMLine: 0
2017-04-12 05:45:59,706 - DEBUG [0x7f5cd3f0e780] NiceConnection - id: 363603108666514800, message: setting remote candidates, candidateSize: 0, mediaType: 0
[erizo-2c58ed25-2fa1-119d-fc87-f88fda12802d] 2017-04-12 05:45:59.707 - INFO: ErizoJSController - message: Process Signaling message, streamId: 363603108666514800, peerId: zpULRA-in-VNqWKBv2TN
[erizo-2c58ed25-2fa1-119d-fc87-f88fda12802d] 2017-04-12 05:45:59,707 - DEBUG [0x7f5cd3f0e780] WebRtcConnection - id: 363603108666514800, message: Adding remote Candidate, candidate: a=candidate:3401144682 1 tcp 1518214911 9 typ host tcptype active generation 0 ufrag 2nrz network-id 1, mid: audio, sdpMLine: 0
[erizo-2c58ed25-2fa1-119d-fc87-f88fda12802d] 2017-04-12 05:45:59,707 - DEBUG [0x7f5cd3f0e780] NiceConnection - id: 363603108666514800, message: setting remote candidates, candidateSize: 0, mediaType: 0
[erizo-2c58ed25-2fa1-119d-fc87-f88fda12802d] 2017-04-12 05:45:59.707 - INFO: ErizoJSController - message: Process Signaling message, streamId: 363603108666514800, peerId: zpULRA-in-VNqWKBv2TN
[erizo-2c58ed25-2fa1-119d-fc87-f88fda12802d] 2017-04-12 05:45:59,707 - DEBUG [0x7f5cd3f0e780] WebRtcConnection - id: 363603108666514800, message: Adding remote Candidate, candidate: a=candidate:775479978 1 tcp 1518149375 9 typ host tcptype active generation 0 ufrag 2nrz network-id 2 network-cost 10, mid: audio, sdpMLine: 0
[erizo-2c58ed25-2fa1-119d-fc87-f88fda12802d] 2017-04-12 05:45:59,707 - DEBUG [0x7f5cd3f0e780] NiceConnection - id: 363603108666514800, message: setting remote candidates, candidateSize: 0, mediaType: 0
[erizo-2c58ed25-2fa1-119d-fc87-f88fda12802d] 2017-04-12 05:46:08,860 - DEBUG [0x7f5c4a7fc700] NiceConnection - id: 363603108666514800, message: new ice component state, newState: 4, transportName: video, componentId 1, iceComponents: 1
[erizo-2c58ed25-2fa1-119d-fc87-f88fda12802d] 2017-04-12 05:46:08,860 - WARN [0x7f5c4a7fc700] NiceConnection - id: 363603108666514800, message: failed and not received all candidates, newComponentState:4
2017-04-12 05:46:10.823 - INFO: EcCloudHandler - message: deleting erizoJS, erizoId: f49273a5-7250-4fbb-f87f-528072269b40
my licode_config.js is below:
var config = {}
It’s used by Nuve, ErizoController, ErizoAgent and ErizoJS
config.rabbit = {}; = ‘localhost’; //default value: 'localhost’
config.rabbit.port = 5672; //default value: 5672
// Sets the AQMP heartbeat timeout to detect dead TCP Connections
config.rabbit.heartbeat = 8; //default value: 8 seconds, 0 to disable
config.logger = {};
config.logger.configFile = ‘…/log4js_configuration.json’; //default value: “…/log4js_configuration.json”
It’s used by Nuve and ErizoController
config.cloudProvider = {}; = ‘’;
config.nuve = {};
config.nuve.dataBaseURL = “localhost/nuvedb”; // default value: 'localhost/nuvedb’
config.nuve.superserviceID = ‘58ed2e41cd3387b6b5bc365d’; // default value: ''
config.nuve.superserviceKey = ‘4811’; // default value: ''
config.nuve.testErizoController = ‘mydomain:8080’; // default value: ‘localhost:8080’
// Nuve Cloud Handler policies are in nuve/nuveAPI/ch_policies/ folder
config.nuve.cloudHandlerPolicy = ‘default_policy.js’; // default value: ‘default_policy.js’
config.erizoController = {};
// Use undefined to run clients without Ice Servers
// Stun servers format
// {
// “url”: url
// }
// Turn servers format
// {
// “username”: username,
// “credential”: password,
// “url”: url
// }
//config.erizoController.iceServers = [{‘url’: ‘’}]; // default value: [{‘url’: ‘’}]
config.erizoController.iceServers = ‘’;
// Default and max video bandwidth parameters to be used by clients
config.erizoController.defaultVideoBW = 300; //default value: 300
config.erizoController.maxVideoBW = 300; //default value: 300
// Public erizoController IP for websockets (useful when behind NATs)
// Use ‘’ to automatically get IP from the interface
config.erizoController.publicIP = ‘’; //default value: ''
config.erizoController.networkinterface = ‘’; //default value: ‘’
// This configuration is used by the clients to reach erizoController
// Use ‘’ to use the public IP address instead of a hostname
config.erizoController.hostname = ‘mydomain’; //default value: ''
config.erizoController.port = 8080; //default value: 8080
// Use true if clients communicate with erizoController over SSL
config.erizoController.ssl = true; //default value: false
config.erizoController.ssl_key = ‘/home/platform/mplex/web/ssl/key_nopw.pem’;
config.erizoController.ssl_cert = ‘/home/platform/mplex/web/ssl/cert.pem’;
// This configuration is used by erizoController server to listen for connections
// Use true if erizoController listens in HTTPS.
config.erizoController.listen_ssl = true; //default value: false
config.erizoController.listen_port = 8080; //default value: 8080
// Custom location for SSL certificates. Default located in /cert
//config.erizoController.ssl_key = ‘/full/path/to/ssl.key’;
//config.erizoController.ssl_cert = ‘/full/path/to/ssl.crt’;
//config.erizoController.sslCaCerts = [’/full/path/to/ca_cert1.crt’, ‘/full/path/to/ca_cert2.crt’];
// Use the name of the inferface you want to bind to for websockets
// config.erizoController.networkInterface = ‘eth1’ // default value: undefined
config.erizoController.warning_n_rooms = 15; // default value: 15
config.erizoController.limit_n_rooms = 20; // default value: 20
config.erizoController.interval_time_keepAlive = 1000; // default value: 1000
// Roles to be used by services
config.erizoController.roles =
{“presenter”: {“publish”: true, “subscribe”: true, “record”: true, “stats”: true, “controlhandlers”: true},
“viewer”: {“subscribe”: true},
“viewerWithData”: {“subscribe”: true, “publish”: {“audio”: false, “video”: false, “screen”: false, “data”: true}}}; // default value: {“presenter”:{“publish”: true, “subscribe”:true, “record”:true}, “viewer”:{“subscribe”:true}, “viewerWithData”:{“subscribe”:true, “publish”:{“audio”:false,“video”:false,“screen”:false,“data”:true}}}
// If true, erizoController sends report to rabbitMQ queue "report_handler" = {
session_events: false, // Session level events – default value: false
connection_events: false, // Connection (ICE) level events – default value: false
rtcp_stats: false // RTCP stats – default value: false
// If undefined, the path will be /tmp/
config.erizoController.recording_path = undefined; // default value: undefined
// Erizo Controller Cloud Handler policies are in erizo_controller/erizoController/ch_policies/ folder
config.erizoController.cloudHandlerPolicy = ‘default_policy.js’; // default value: ‘default_policy.js’
config.erizoAgent = {};
// Max processes that ErizoAgent can run
config.erizoAgent.maxProcesses = 1; // default value: 1
// Number of precesses that ErizoAgent runs when it starts. Always lower than or equals to maxProcesses.
config.erizoAgent.prerunProcesses = 1; // default value: 1
// Public erizoAgent IP for ICE candidates (useful when behind NATs)
// Use ‘’ to automatically get IP from the interface
config.erizoAgent.publicIP = ‘’; //default value: ''
config.erizoAgent.networkinterface = ‘’; //default value: ‘’
// Use the name of the inferface you want to bind for ICE candidates
// config.erizoAgent.networkInterface = ‘eth1’ // default value: undefined
//Use individual log files for each of the started erizoJS processes
//This files will be named erizo-ERIZO_ID_HASH.log
config.erizoAgent.useIndividualLogFiles = false;
// Custom log directory for agent instance log files.
// If useIndividualLogFiles is enabled, files will go here
// Default is [licode_path]/erizo_controller/erizoAgent
// config.erizoAgent.instanceLogDir = ‘/path/to/dir’;
config.erizo = {};
//Erizo Logs are piped through erizoAgent by default
//you can control log levels in [licode_path]/erizo_controller/erizoAgent/
// Number of workers that will be used to handle WebRtcConnections
config.erizo.numWorkers = 24;
//STUN server IP address and port to be used by the server.
//if ‘’ is used, the address is discovered locally
//Please note this is only needed if your server does not have a public IP
config.erizo.stunserver = ‘’; // default value: ''
config.erizo.stunport = 19302; // default value: 0
//TURN server IP address and port to be used by the server.
//Please note this is not needed in most cases, setting TURN in erizoController for the clients
//is the recommended configuration
//if ‘’ is used, no relay for the server is used
config.erizo.turnserver = ‘’; // default value: ''
config.erizo.turnport = 0; // default value: 0
config.erizo.turnusername = ‘’;
config.erizo.turnpass = ‘’;
config.erizo.networkinterface = ‘’; //default value: ‘’
//note, this won’t work with all versions of libnice. With 0 all the available ports are used
config.erizo.minport = 30000; // default value: 0
config.erizo.maxport = 31000; // default value: 0
config.erizo.disabledHandlers = []; // there are no handlers disabled by default
/***** END *****/
// Following lines are always needed.
var module = module || {};
module.exports = config;