Hi There
We have had limited success in installing Licode on a Linux 14.04 on a
Azure VM. We have installed a reTurn server and the basic example. We are
getting inconsisent connections still. On a mac connection we get a stream
published but on pc connections we get ice connection failed. We have tried
to use wireshark to spot the difference and the only difference appears to
be some TFTP connection attempts from the windows side.
Has anyone managed to get multiple feeds this way on an Azure platform? I
would be grateful with any tips/suggestions as we are finding it difficult
to progress the project without getting stable feeds.
Many Thanks
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Hi Jason,
I’ve also been doing some experiments in Azure.
The most common problem with Cloud infrastructures and Licode is that usually, you have servers with different public and private IPs. Licode will try to get the IP from the network interface, if it gets a private API you won’t be able to establish ICE connections with it.
There are two solutions for this:
- You set up config.erizoController.publicIP andconfig.erizoAgent.publicIP to the public IPs of the servers where erizoAgent and erizoAPI are,
- You set up config.erizoController.publicIP and use stun for the server side setting config.erizo.stunserver and config.erizo.stunport.
In any case you will need to set up some UDP ports in the VM where erizoAgent is hosted, you can set the range that can be used in erizo with config.erizo.minport and config.erizo.maxport.
The problem I’ve noticed with azure is that in the VM manager you cannot set up a port range (please let me know if you find a way to do this) so all the ports have to be added manually, and you will need a lot of ports (Licode uses one per connection). TURN may help you with that but it is definitely not the optimal solution, the turn server we use is Google Code Archive - Long-term storage for Google Code Project Hosting. https://code.google.com/p/rfc5766-turn-server/ haven’t really tested reTurn personally.
Pedro Rodriguez
On 20 May 2015, at 15:57, Jason Hayhurst jason@jnhconsulting.co.uk wrote:
Hi There
We have had limited success in installing Licode on a Linux 14.04 on a Azure VM. We have installed a reTurn server and the basic example. We are getting inconsisent connections still. On a mac connection we get a stream published but on pc connections we get ice connection failed. We have tried to use wireshark to spot the difference and the only difference appears to be some TFTP connection attempts from the windows side.
Has anyone managed to get multiple feeds this way on an Azure platform? I would be grateful with any tips/suggestions as we are finding it difficult to progress the project without getting stable feeds.
Many Thanks
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